What Is With Us And Loosing Kids?

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Lucy's POV
I'm making breakfast for Ellie, Tim and I's 3 year old daughter when my phone  goes off. 
'Hi parents, we are closed today due to lice. Please check your kids and treat them. We will be back open if a few days.' The text reads.
"Fuck." I groan.
"What is it Luce?" Tim asks.
"Daycares closed. I will have to stay home with Ellie today." I frown.
"How about we bring her in. She loves hanging around the station." Tim shrugs.
"YES! PLEASE MUMMY!" Melanie begs.
"Fine." I agree serving up pancakes. It takes us a little longer to get to the station so we are a few minutes late.
"Bradford." Grey calls out to us.
"Hi grandpa Grey!" Ellie says jumping at Grey.
"Oh! Hi Ellie!" Grey grins and lifts her and hugs her.
"We were late because her daycare closed because of lice so I had to check her." I roll my eyes.
"ELLIE!" Angela yells from across the bullpen with her arms open. Ellie dashes over to Angela and hugs her. Angela brings her back over to us.
"Little boot you can't run off baby." Tim tells her.
"Can't believe you actually call her Little Boot still." I laugh.
"Believe it boot. Your the original don't worry." Tim tells me.
"Is that little miss Ellie?" Nyla asks from behind us.
"Hi Auntie Nyla!" Ellie waves from Angela's arms.
"I'm your favourite Auntie aren't I?" Angela asks.
"Yeah! I have lots of aunties even if mummy's parents are assholes and only had Mummy!" Ellie giggles.
"Ellie where did you learn that word?" Grey asks amused.
"Daddy and Mummy say mummy's, parents are assholes and daddy says bad words at the football!" Ellie exposes us.
"Yeah well Mummy's Mummy and Daddy are fucking bitches but we don't say them words." I roll my eyes.
"I'LL KICK THEIR BALLS!" Ellie grins.
"Timothy did you teach your daughter to kick balls?" Angela laughs.
"That was me. I taught her some self defense. We practiced on Tim." I grin proudly making everyone laugh.
"Don't get on her bad side." Tim says looking horrified.
"Speaking of which where is she?" I ask turning in a circle.
"Fuck. Lucy I told you this station is cursed. We lose a kid every time we are here with one." Tim tells the group.
"Amen sister." Angela laughs.
"Come on Ellie, I think your Mummy and Daddy are worried." I hear an officers voice, we all run towards the voice.
"PISS OFF I DON'T KNOW YOU!" Ellie yells and I can see she's about to kick him.
"Ellie, baby good girl!" I grin as I scoop her into my arms.
"Mummy! I was trying to find Auntie Celina and Uncle Aaron, where are they?" Ellie asks.
"They are out working, like we all should be." Grey hints to us. 
"Hey Grey, can you keep an eye on her for some of today? I need to go out and work a case and Tim clearly and to go on an op." I say pointing at Tim running away.
"Of course! I love spending time with this little girl." Grey grins taking Ellie from my arms.
"Thank you so much." I quickly hug Grey and move away to my desk.

I'm back from following up my lead and it was a dead end but now I'm going to get Ellie from Grey. I see Grey speed walking around the station.
"Hey! Where's Ellie?" I ask excited to see my baby.
"Uhm soooo. I lost her." Grey tells me nervously.
"Great. Have you checked the K9 unit?" I ask but then I feel a tap on my shoulder, I whip my head around and see Ellie in Angela's arms with a lollipop.
"Ellie, baby!" I grin and snatch her.
"Lopez, you can't take a child without warning!" Grey tells her.
"HEY! I found her in the break room with Smitty asking for money for the lollipop, if anything I saved her." Angela rolls her eyes.
"Little Boot, I heard you ran off." Tim says appearing in front of me.
"I'm sorry Daddy." Ellie frowns.
"You can't keep running off baby or I'll have a heart attack!" Tim tells her taking her from my arms.
"Yeah because your old!" Ellie giggles.
"Excuse you! What about Mummy?" Tim eggs her on.
"Mummy's gorgeous! Mummy's also young and cool." Elle smiles.
"She's clearly a Mumma's girls." I smile happily.

In the remainder of the day Ellie disappears another time, gets an uncountable amount of snacks and cuddles, and manages to spill some secrets of everyone's. I feel like we shouldn't bring Ellie to the station again.

A/N I don't like this but blame my spin wheel for picking this lmao

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