Meeting Metro

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Tim's POV
Shift has just ended and I'm about to go get Lucy from her desk but I am stopped by a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey Bradford you want to come to the bar with us it's Las Tores. You could even bring your lady for us to meet since we haven't yet." One of the metro guys says.
"Uh I'll ask her. But no promises something happened to her there." I tell them knowing she may not want to go.
"Alright." Johnson says.
"Ok, well let me go get her from her de-" I start to say but then I see Lucy skipping over.
"Hey!" She smiles happily.
"Hey Luce, the guys want to go out for drinks and meet you. It's Las Tores. Do you want to?" I ask knowing her experience of that bar.
"Uh.. Uhm sure.. I mean what's the worst that could happen with a bunch of cops." Lucy nods unsure.
"Ok. Well we will see you two there." Officer Johnson says and waves to us. He then leaves for the parking garage leaving Lucy and I/
"Luce, you know we don't have to go." I assure her.
"I know but I want to do this for you." Lucy smiles.
"Ok, well whenever you want to leave just tell me. I will be there with you nothing will happen ok." I assure her.
"Thank you." Lucy smiles as she hugs me. 

Lucy's POV
The drive over is pretty fast since it's close by. When we arrive I thought I would have been more nervous but I'm a bit excited to be back here and to meet Metro. Tim gets out and opens my door for me and I hop out. Tim holds my hand tightly as we enter the bar. As soon as I see it all I'm doing is staring at the bar stools we were at.
"Tim. That's where we sat." I tell Tim pointing it out.
"Ok. Well lucky we are sitting over here." Tim says as we walk over to the large loud group of buff men.
"Hey guys, Meet Lucy my girlfriend." Tim announces as we stand near the table.
"THANK GOD YOU BROUGHT A GIRL!" A woman calls out, she then gets up and hugs me.
"I swear none of these men bring their girls so I'm sooooo happy your here." Another woman smiles. I look for Tim and he's still next to me but shaking all the guys hands. When everyone is introduced to me then Tim and I sit down. 
"Luce what do you want to drink? I can drive." Tim smiles.
"Beer please. Can I stay here?" I ask not wanting to go near where I sat with Caleb.
"Of course. You guys, make sure she's ok." Tim tells the guys and then leaves. Then suddenly a guy walks over from a different table.
"Hey gorgeous, you and one these guys dating or is it my lucky day?" He says and I can smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Uhm. Yeah I'm taken and I don't take numbers from guys at the bar, Learnt my lesson the hard way." I tell him uncomfortably while the metro guys listen carefully.
"Well if you won't take my number from here will you take it from a motel room?" He asks as he reaches for my leg. I snap and grab his arm and get on top of him.
"Luce. Luce what happened." Tim asks quickly running over to me.
"He-he I don't know." I tell Tim.
"Oh he was hitting on her then she said she was taken and doesn't take numbers from guys then he offered to take her to a motel room and then tried to put a hand on her." One of the metro guys say.
"Ok, well Luce how about we let him go you can't arrest him for that." Tim says. I let go of his hands and stand up.
"Sir, your free to go. Next time don't touch a woman." Tim says and the man quickly leaves. "Now, I told you boys to watch her what the fuck was that. One of you should have put your damn hand up and said oh yeah I'm dating her and stood up, shown off your pussy muscles and scared him off." Tim rolls his eyes as he hands me my drink.
"Sorry sir." They say.
"May I just say that was badass Lucy." One of the women whose name is Maya says.
"Yeah, I knew you were a cop but I thought you were like a P2." One of the guys shrug.
"No I'm a detective." I smile.
"She also does some UC work. Also she made her first arrest before clocking in." Tim smiles proudly.
"Jeez. It took me a week to get my first arrest because I had a guy TO who thought I wasn't good enough. He was so strict and did tests on me." Maya frowns. I burst out laughing until I start crying.
"Fuck." I giggle as I start to finally calm down.
"What's funny?" She asks confused.
"Sir Timothy here was an ASS. Even though I saved him when he got shot on my first day he still did Tim tests on me and on my first day made me walk behind the shop." I say looking at Tim with a raised eyebrow. "And he called me boot so much I almost lost it." I roll my eyes.
"Is that why once sarges locker was filled with baby boots?" Johnson asks. Making me laugh again.
"Lucy you need to calm down." Tim says as I laugh into his shoulder.
"Fine, fine. But yeah that was me." I smirk making the guys laugh. The rest of the night is fun and I tell them how Tim really is. Tim acts like he hates it but I keep catching him smiling at me.

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