Drink Spiking

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A/N Pre Chenford. This was a request I'm pretty sure, sorry for taking so long to write this.

TW Drink spiking if the title wasn't obvious.

Lucy's POV
It's been a long day and I'm pretty pissed at Chris for something I can't remember because I'm way too drunk. I'm about 2 beers and a couple of tequila shots in. I'm sitting at the bar ordering another drink when a guy comes and sits next to me. He orders his own drink, I expect him to leave but he takes a sip and puts it on the table.
"So, you hear alone?" The man asks first. Sure a bit suspicious but I don't think much about it.
"Uh, yeah. I'm pissed at my boyfriend." I tell him, slightly hinting that I'm not looking for someone. He doesn't let that get to him though and we fall into an easy conversation. When I finish my drink I get up and go to the bathroom and when I sit back down he's waiting there with a new drink for me.
"It's for you." He tells me.
"Thanks..?" I say basically asking his name.
"Max." He smiles.
"Lucy." I tell him holding my hand out, which he shakes. I take a sip of my drink and it tastes fine so I think nothing of it. Until about half an hour later when I notice everything around me starting to become disoriented. I know he did something to me drink so I stand up with the best smile I can give.
"I need to go to the bathroom again." I tell him.
"Alright, I'll be waiting darlin." He says making me shiver. I stumble to the bathroom and lock the door. By now everything is spinning and I can barley think straight. Tears well in my eyes as I panic. It takes me a second to realise I can just text someone. I grab my phone out and open it up to texts and i open the first text thread, begging it's someone who cares.

Tim's POV
I'm sitting on the couch watching TV when suddenly my phone chimes. I look at my phone and see it's the group chat with our friend group from the station along with all significant others and Tamara.

Lucy- HGep me pls. Bsthrom. bar nesr my apt.

What the hell? Responses come flying in. I quickly type out a response.

Tim- Luce. Are you ok? What's going on?

But I receive no response. I quickly get up off the couch, I grab my gun, badge, car keys and slip on my runners. I drive over to the bar I know she's talking about. As I climbing out of the car I see Angela's, Nyla's and John's cars pull in one after another. They all rush out of their cars, guns in hand.
"She said the bathrooms, lets go." I tell them and we all go in after tucking our guns away. We rush inside and over to the bathrooms. I knock on the door.
"Lu? You in there?" I call out but receive no response.
"Get the owner before I kick in the door." Angela tells anyone.
"Fuck the owner." I say and kick in the door causing a commotion but I don't care. Before I can go inside a waitress rushes over.
"Sir what the hell are you doing?!" She exclaims.
"LAPD." All four of us snap showing our badges then we go inside the bathroom. We check each stall until the last one, I open the door and see Lucy passed out on the floor.
"Jesus Lu." I say softly. I lift her off the gross floor and lightly shake her.
"Hm." Lucy grumbles.
"Lucy are you ok?!" We all ask in sync.
"Hm?" Lucy hums, her eyes fluttering open,
"Hey there Chen." I smile fondly as her eyes meet mine.
"Where is he?" She asks me jumping out of my arms.
"Who?" Nolan asks.
"Max. The asshole spiked me." Lucy says tilting her head, then storms out of the bathroom. We follow quickly and the second we all step out a man jumps out of his seat.
"SHIT." He basically yelps and starts to run for the door. I'm about to run after him but Lucy beats me to it, sprinting full speed at him. She times her tackle then as they approach each other she leaps at him and tackles him straight to the ground making everyone else in the bar gasp. We rush over to where Lucy is holding his wrists on his back. Angela hands Lucy her cuffs.
"Thanks Ange." Lucy smiles taking them. She cuffs the man and reads him his rights and he looks pretty shaken but I can't help smiling proudly at my former rookie.

A/N Ik if she got spiked she prolly would be week, but Lucy is a mf superhero so it's possible.

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