Memory Loss.

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Tim's POV
Lucy and I are out on call together when we get a call for noise complaint, a neighbour had heard yelling. We speed over there and Lucy kicks in the door. We start a sweep then we find a body with some one standing next to it.
"LAPD PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Lucy yells. The man turns around and then swings a fist at Lucy, it hits her jaw and knocks her down. I grab my taser and tase him. I cuff him and then go over to Lucy who's lying on the ground unconscious but breathing. She must have hit her head. I grab my radio.
"7 Adam 19 Requesting RA and backup to my location, Officer down, unconscious but breathing!" I shout into my radio.
"Luce, wake up." I say to my girlfriend whose lying on the ground still. I gently shake her trying to get her conscious but it doesn't work so I just lift her into my lap and hold her tightly and start to cry. As I'm siting on the ground holding Lucy crying Nolan comes running into the room.
"Shit, is she ok?" He asks when he sees her in my arms. I just ignore him. I hear more sirens get closer so I decide to take Lucy outside. I lift her up bridal style and carry her small body outside I see an ambulance and run her over to them.
"She got a fist to the jaw, knocked down and I think she hit her head." I tell the medics.
"Is she breathing?" The medics ask as they grab a gurney for her.
"Yes. Also I want to ride with her to the hospital she's my girlfriend." I order them, they just nod and we climb into the ambulance. On the ride there I hold her hand as they start to examine her. When we arrive at the hospital I help them bring her inside. Then head to the waiting room where Angela is waiting.
"I heard what happened, how is she?" She asks worried.
"I don't know hopefully she's ok." I tell Angela as we both melt into chairs.

About two hours later a doctor comes out.
"Family of Lucy Chen?" They ask. I shoot out of my chair with Angela.
"I'm her boyfriend." I identify myself.
"Ok, she's in a stable condition, she has a concussion and hopefully that's it, she also might have some memory loss but we will find out when she wakes up." The doctor says. No, no, no. Not memory loss what if she doesn't remember me?
"Alright, can we see her?" I ask him.
"Yep, room 15." He tells us and then walks away. We head over to her room and when I walk in I see her laying there still.
"Luce." Is all I can say as I sit next to her. Angela sits down next to me.
"She will be ok. She's a fighter." Angela tells me. I just nod hoping she's got more fight in her.

Lucy's POV
When I come to my senses I'm laying in what looks to be a hospital. I look around and see a man smiling at me.
"Luce! Your awake." He exclaims. Who the hell is that? I then look around and see someone else, a woman. I feel like I know her.
I point to her.
"I think I know you? Where do I know you from?" I question.
"Luce! I'm Angela, we work together, we are detectives with the LAPD. I was your bestfriend Jacksons Training officer." She tells me. Oh yeah! Angela.
"Angela!" I say with a huge smile. The man is just watching this happen and looks like he's about to cry.
"Angela who is this?" I ask confused.
"That's Tim, he was your training officer when you were a rookie but he's your boyfriend now." Angela tell me. Huh.
"No, your not my boyfriend and your not my old training officer." I tell him.
"Luce." He says begging.
"Uh, yes?" I ask confused why he was calling me my nickname.
"Do you want me to show you pictures of us?" He asks.
"Pfft whatever be my guest to embarrass your self." I tell him as I laugh. I watch as he grabs his phone unlocks it and opens his camera roll. I see it's filled of picture of him and me. What the hell.
"How the hell?" I ask confused. 
"Also grab your phone the lock screen is us, also if I wasn't your boyfriend how would I know you love to sleep on top of me like a sloth. Also how would I know exactly where you liked to be kissed." He tells me and then taps my forehead.
"Wait.. You held me after Caleb. I know you! Your Tim!" I say with a huge smile. I can't believe I forgot him. 
"Yes Luce!" He exclaims with a smile.
"Where's my cuddles for remembering?" I ask with a fake pout. He gets up and climbs into my bed and hugs me.
"Wait? Why am I her though?" I ask confused also confused as to why my head is sore.
"Oh, on shift you got a fist to the jaw, and then you knocked your head and got knocked out." Tim tells me giving me a kiss where I got punched.
"Calm with the PDA Angela's still here and that explains why my head hurts." I announce.
"Thank you, and yeah your head will hurt for a few days." Angela speaks up. The rest of the day Tim and I cuddle and talk making sure I remember important things.

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