Hurt on shift

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Lucy's POV
Tim and I are on patrol together today and we get called to a house where the neighbours complained that there is a bad smell. We get to the door a knock.
"LAPD! We have a warrant open the door!" Tim calls out. Silence.
"Let me do it!" I volunteer excitedly. Without thinking I jump and kick the door down falling with it.

Tim's POV
I probably shouldn't have let her kick it down because now she's on the ground. I'm watching her hold her ankle and she starts to cry.
"Luce? Are you ok." I ask her kneeling down to her level.
"I-I- It hurts Tim." She sod.
"You could have broken it baby." I tell her, I tug off her boot and pull her sock to her heel and look at her ankle.
"It's swelling let me call for back up baby." I tell her, I grab her radio because it's easier.
"7-Adam-15, we need back up to my location ASAP." I tell my radio.
"Tim please it hurts help me." Lucy wails as I place her radio on the ground.
"I know gorgeous let me get the first aid kit." I tell her and run to the shop for the kit. I can hear he cries from the shop and it breaks my heart. I get back to her and I can hear some shops pulling up. 
"Luce, I'm going to bandage it just for now so we can get you to the hospital." I tell her as I tear open the first aid and grab a bandage. As I'm bandaging her ankle Nolan, Celina and Aaron show up.
"Lucy!" Nolan exclaims when he sees her crying. "What happened?" He adds.
"She kicked the door in and landed on her ankle, I think it's broken." I tell him as I finish bandaging her as she cries.
"No shit. I'll drive you guys to the hospital you two can sit in the back." Aaron tells us.
"Thanks. Luce I need to pick you up now." I tell her as I brush tears off her cheek.
"Mhm." She winces.
"Do you need help sir?" Aaron asks.
"What kind of man can't lift up his girlfriend?" I tell him as I get ready to lift her. I count down and lift her off the ground.
"Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow." Lucy winces in my arms.
"I know Luce, I know gorgeous." I assure her and carry her towards the shop.
"Tim." She says as we walk towards Aaron's shop.
"Yes?" I ask her.
"Can I have hugs?" She begs me.
"Yes baby, I'll give you hugs on the way to the hospital." I assure her. When we get to the shop I hand her to Aaron as I get in.
"She's so light." Aaron states as he puts her down next to me so she can lay against me.
"No shit, have you seen how small she is." I tell him.
"Tim! I'm not small!" She giggles. She moves round wincing a bit at the pain.
"Uh huh." I tell her. I hold her as we speed to the hospital. When we get there Aaron helps us get out and I lift her trying to not knock her ankle on anything.

Lucy's POV
Tim carries me into the waiting room and to the front desk.
"Get her a doctor she kicked down a door and landed on her ankle, I think it's broken." Tim orders the staff.
"Uhm ok, whats her name?" The receptionist asks.
"Lucy Chen Now get a fucking doctor before I break you ankle and make you wait an hour!" Tim snaps.
Suddenly he places me down on a gurney they got for me.
"Tim, no come with me please." I beg.
"He can't come ma'am." They tell me. I don't answer I just let more tears fall down my cheek as I watch the doors to the ER close.

Tim's POV
I'm waiting with Angela and Aaron when a doctor comes out and heads over to us.
"are you here for Lucy Chen?" He asks.
"Yes." We say standing up.
"Ok, she's got a pretty nasty break, she can still attend work if she wants but ride the desk. She will be discharged in about an hour and you can see her right now but she's high out of her mind on painkillers and stuff. She's in room 16." The doctor tells us.
"This going to be fun." Angela smirks as we head to her room.
"Are you joking? Her ankles broken!" I tell her.
"Uh oh, overprotective Tim." Aaron laughs. We get to her room and the three of us head in and she's laying there with a moon boot on, her foot on pillows and a cute pout on her face. Then she notices me and wipes the pout off her face and replaces it with a cuter smile.
"Tim!" She says reaching for me. I already know she wants me in her bed because she's scooting over. I hop up and pull her in for a hug.
"Broken ankle, ouch." Angela says.
"ANGIEE!" Lucy giggles like a child.
"And there's the drugs." Aaron smiles.
"Timmy my foot hurts." Lucy complains to me making Angela and Aaron burst out laughing.
"I know Lucy-Bear." I assure her.
"So Lucy, we have questions." Aaron smirks. I know exactly what they are about to do.
"Yeah?" Lucy says with an innocent face.
"So, is Tim a good boyfriend?" Angela asks. KNEW IT.
"Angela! Don't abuse that she's high and will answer questions about us." I tell her sternly.
"Tim, shut up. But he's a good boyfriend. Mostly because he let's me dress him up in girly clothes and do his makeup and skincare." Lucy smiles innocently, usually I would be mad but her innocent smile makes it impossible to be mad.
"No shit, you were to late to see him call me gorgeous and baby 400 times when I kicked that damn door. Also he only uses his hard ass voice when he's around you guys otherwise he talks so softly it's actually funny." Lucy tells them giggling bit. Angela and Aaron start crying and laughing which really annoys me but in the end it's ok because Lucy is laughing as well.


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