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Tim's POV

Tonight I'm working late so when I finally leave the station it's 1AM. I drive back home and when I arrive I know Lucy is asleep because all the lights are off. I get to the kitchen after greeting Kojo and see a plate with plastic wrap and a piece of paper on it. I open the note and it reads. 'I knew you had to work late so I made you some steak for when you got home. 1 min in microwave. I love you- Lucy ❤️' I smile at the note and put the plate in the microwave for a minute just like she said. After I finish eating I decide to do the dishes for Lucy because she hates to do them. I then also write a note for her. 'Thank you Luce. The steak was amazing, I also did the dishes for you. I love you more xx -Tim' I place the note where the plate was on the counter and head to our room.

I turn on a lamp but see Lucy's not in bed. I leave our room and know she might be on the couch, of course I was right. Lucy is sleeping on the couch and she looks so damn cute. I take a picture of her and then lift her up. I lean her head against my chest and carry her bridal style to bed. I try to put her down softly to not wake her but she still wakes up.
"Tim?" She mumbles.
"I was just bringing you to bed baby." I tell her and give her a kiss.
"Come to bed?" Lucy says in a sleepy tone.
"In a second Luce, let me change." I say to Lucy. I get changed and then climb into bed. Even though I put her on her own side of the bed she's already on my side.
"My pillow." Lucy jokes and puts her head on my chest. I slightly chuckle at it and wrap my arms around her. 
"Good night Luce." I tell her but she's already asleep and I follow not to long after.

A/N Sorry for a short part but ig it's better then nothing at all lol.

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