It's My Shirt Now!

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Lucy's POV
Tonight Tim has to work later then me so when I get home I frown at Tamara's empty room.
"Just us for a bit Kojo." I tell Kojo whose following me around. I head to Tim and I's room, I unpack my bag from work. Since I didn't shower at work I decide to shower while I wait for Tim. I open my drawers and stare down at my shirts. There isn't a very good selection of shirts that will be comfortable to sleep in so I open up Tim's drawer. I chose a camo t-shirt that is huge. I take a long shower, when I finally get out I head to the kitchen in my new long shirt. I make dinner and just as I'm dishing it out I hear the door open. 

Tim's POV
I walk into the kitchen and see Lucy in the kitchen smiling. I then notice that she is wearing my favourite shirt, it so large that it goes down to her knees and I can't tell if she's even wearing pants.
"Just gonna stare?" Lucy giggles as she walks over to me and hugs me.
"Sorry, You look adorable in my shirt." I tell her giving her a kiss on her damp hair.
"It's my shirt now!" Lucy tells me.
"What! No it's my favourite!" I complain showing a fake pout.
"No I'm your favourite so I'm keeping it!" Lucy tells me poking her tongue out like a child.
"How about we share it." I suggest.
"Deal. But I'm wearing it now because I have nothing else to wear." Lucy tells me then turns on her heels and grabs the plates and places them on the table. I drop my bag and sit down across from Lucy.
"What happened to the other five of my shirts you took?" I ask her.
"Already wore them. I need to do the laundry." Lucy rolls her eyes as she eats.
"Good excuse. I'll help you with the laundry later." I tell her.
"I'm still going to take more of your shirts because the others don't smell like you now." Lucy complains.
"Jeez if it means I get to keep my shirts I'll wear the ones you already took then give them back." I tell her trying to hold my laughter in.
"Thanks! Now eat your food I want cuddles." Lucy tells me pointing to the food in front of me. She then grabs a chip off my plate and throws it in her mouth as she smiles like a crazy person.
"Hey! You have your own dinner!" I tell her off.
"Yours is better." She tells me then takes another chip.
"Fine, You have mine and I'll have yours." I say to Lucy. She grins and then swaps the plates.
"Thank you!" Lucy giggles.
"You tell anyone about this and I will be very mad." I tell her giving her another fake frown.
"I recon you would just hug me!" Lucy rolls her eyes.
"No!" I say in my lying high pitch tone making Lucy burst out laughing. I love this girl so damn much that I let her laugh at me. What happened to me you may ask. Lucy Chen.

A/N Eww I hate the cringe ending but OH WELLLLL, Sorry for the short chapters but it's better then nothing

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