Personal Day

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Tim's POV
On the drive back to Lucy and I's house Lucy is weirdly silent. She's just staring out the window with a frown on her face.
"Luce is everything ok?" I ask after finally building up the courage.
"No." Lucy answers plainly. She sounds so empty, so fucking empty it's hurting me.
"What happened? Do I need to beat someone up?" I question Lucy. Lucy stays silent, where's my happy Luce?

When we get home Lucy just heads straight inside and lays right down in our bed.
"Lucy Bear, what's wrong? I want to help." I tell her and sit on the end of the bed.
"I need cuddles first." She tells me in the same dead voice.
"Of course." I say. I climb into bed next to her and embrace her tightly. I want her to tell me what's wrong but I know she will when she's ready so I just hug her tightly for about an hour.

Lucy's POV
I just stay in Tim's arms for ages, thinking about the things my Mum told me. 'Lucy I'm sure you were just being dramatic about the whole Caleb thing. You deserved the stuff he did to you. You shame me, please don't talk to me again.'  Those words play and play in my head until I decide I can tell Tim.
"My Mum. I saw her today." I start off.
"What did that bitch do?" Tim asks mad.
"She practically disowned me." I frown trying to blink back the tears. "Not even practically she did. She told me I deserved what happened with Ca- ..Him." I say. No matter how hard I try to not cry it's not working because my tears trickle down my face.

Tim's POV
That little bitch. I swear to god that woman pisses me off. I feel my shirt getting wet so I know Lucy's crying.
"Luce it's ok, you have me." I assure her cradling her in my lap.
"I know but it hurts. My own mother fucking disowned me just because she doesn't like my career." Lucy cries.
"Luce I'm proud of you. You don't need you parents, you have me. I can be proud enough for all three of us." I assure her.
"Thank you." Lucy chokes out hiding her face in my chest.
"I love you baby, more then anything else in the world." I tell her kissing her hair.
"I love you too." Is all she says.
"How about we cuddle all night and call in for personal days tomorrow and spend the day watching TV and eating a shit tone of snacks." I suggest.
"I'd like that." Lucy nods. I hold Lucy until we both fall asleep.

In the morning as Lucy sleeps I climb out of bed and call Grey.
"Bradford can this wait until work?" Grey asks as he answers the phone.
"No because Lucy and I are taking personal days today just wanted to let you know." I tell him as I pet Kojo.
"Why? You guys never take personal days." Grey asks confused.
"Personal things why else?" I roll my eyes.
"Not having a shared day off isn't a personal thing." Grey tells me over the phone.
"It's nothing to do with that. Now if you don't mind I need to go back to making sure my girlfriend is ok." I tell him and before he answers I hang up. When I go back to our room Lucy is looking at the door.
"Where did you go?" She asks as soon as she sees me.
"To call in the personal day. Grey asked so many questions, you would think he would have thought since it's a personal day it's personal." I tell her as I climb back in bed and hug her.
"They probably think we just want a day together." Lucy says.
"That's what Grey thought." I laugh slightly. We spend the day cuddled on the couch watching TV just like I said.

A/N I KEEP WRITING SHORT PARTS I'M SORRYYYYY! Also I hate this per usual but I hope you guys like it.

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