Panic Attack

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John's POV
Aaron, Celina, Bailey, Lucy and I are all hanging out at my and Bailey's. When suddenly a song starts playing from the TV, I notice Lucy's smile fade and horror fall on her face. 
"Hey Lucy are you ok?" Aaron asks clearly noticing as well.
"N-no." She stutters. 
"Is it the song?" I ask her knowing she got weird when it started. I see her nod her head and start fidgeting with her ring that helped us find her when she was abducted. I turn off the TV and get down in front of her.
"Luce, it's the song you sung isn't it." I ask her knowing it was her favourite song. All I know about what happened in the barrel is that she sung a song she liked to help pass the time and then died while singing it.
"Y..yes." She quietly says as she starts to cry and have a panic attack, I know it's a panic attack because she has had a few when we were dating. 
"Bailey can you get some water? Someone call Tim." I tell everyone.
"Ok." The three of them say.

Tim's POV
As I watch the game on TV my phone rings. I see it's Aaron so I answer it figuring it's to do with work.
"Bradford." I tell him coldly.
"Tim, you need to come over to Nolan's, It's Lucy. A song started to play and she's having a panic attack." Aaron tells me. I quickly get up off our couch and run out to my car.
"That fucking song I swear to god." Is all I say and then hang up.
I speed over to John's where Aaron and Celina are waiting for me. We go inside and I see Nolan hugging Lucy tightly, I usually would be annoyed but I know that he's dealt with her Anxiety before so I just shrug it off.
"I got her." I tell him. He moves away so I can take over.
"Luce, It's ok. You will be alright nothing will happen, I'm here." I whisper.

Aaron's POV

The rest of us wait in the kitchen so Tim can talk to Lucy but I'm honestly confused what they were all talking about.
"May I ask what this is about?" Celina speaks up.
"Oh, she was buried alive in 2019, I don't know much but I know that she sung a song in the barrel. That was the song, she then died to it. Then Tim brought her back with CPR." Nolan explains.
"Is that why they are so close?" I ask.
"Yeah mostly. She has Anxiety so I knew that was a panic attack." John says.
"How did you know she had Anxiety?" Celina asks.
"Oh we dated when we were rookies." Nolan shrugs.
"HUH? YOU DATED LUCY!" I exclaim, how can he pull so well the fuck.
"Yeah, he really dates out of his league." A now smiling Lucy jokes.
"Rude!" Nolan exclaims.
"She's not wrong. But Nolan.." Tim says getting in Nolan's face.
"Yes sir?" Nolan asks timidly.
"Next time I catch you hugging her we will have a discussion. But for now, thank you." Tim tells Nolan.
"Did Tim Bradford just thank someone?" Bailey asks.
"Yes, You breathe a word of this to anyone I won't be happy." He says in a stern tone.
"Don't believe him. He's a huge softy he even cries loads around me." Lucy giggles.
"Lucy, don't you dare!" He says in a soft tone.
"What are you gonna do ya big softy!" Lucy tells him making him roll his eyes.

The rest of the time we hang out Tim stays with us and we have drinks, watch movies and bond.

A/N So I go back to school today so I might start being less active. I'll still update all my stories just may not be every day sorry.

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