Tamara's Boyfriend

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Tamara has been seeing her boyfriend Dexter for two months now and she finally thinks it's time for him to meet Tim and Lucy her non biological parents.

"Hey guys, can I talk to you?" Tamara asked the couple who were cuddled up together on the couch binging a show.
"Uh yeah sure Tam." Lucy says confused, she then pauses the show. Tamara walks around and sits on the other couch.
"So I want you to meet my boyfriend." She blurts out.
"Your what friend?!" Tim asked going into dad mode.
"My boyfriend of two months, it's starting to get more serious." Tamara explains. "And you guys are the closets think I have to family so I want to make sure you approve of him I guess." Tamara continued.
"OMG eeeek! I would love to meet him!" Lucy squealed. Tim had a different reaction.
"Did that fucker knock you up?" Tim said angrily.
"NO EW?!" Tamara said offended. "But would you meet him Tim?" Tamara begged.
"Whatever, go write down his name, phone number, car license plate and address I'm doing a background check." Tim ordered Tamara. Tamara just giggled, rolled her eyes and got a piece of paper.

That weekend
*knock knock*
"That's him!" Tamara cried while leaping off the couch. She walked over to the door and opened it. A young cute man appeared in the doorway.
"Hi, Tam! How are you cutie?" He asked. He then gave her a kiss and a hug.
"I'm doing great! Now meet my real but fake parents, Tim and Lucy." She said while signaling for him to shake their hands. Lucy gave him a soft shake with a smile meanwhile Tim gave him a stern shake with a tough look on his face trying to intimidate the boy.
"Uh nice to meet you sir, I'm-" Dexter started to say before he was cut off.
"Dexter Walsh, you just turned 19 and you live at 93 sunnyview lane LA." Tim said sternly.
A/N I made up that address fyi. 
"I do sir." Dexter said with a nervous laugh.
"I'm sorry he wanted to run a background check on you." Tamara nervously smiled.
"Hey it's ok, don't be sorry." Dexter said smiling.
After a while of chatting Tim decided it was his time to shine.
"Dexter can I talk to you privately?" Tim asked in his TO voice.
"Yes sir, I'll be back soon Tam." He said with a smile and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Tamara and Lucy just continued their gossip as the boys walked into the spare room.
"What are your intentions with my daughter?" Tim asked in a scary tone.
"Shower her with love, I don't know?" Dexter said with a smile.
"Mhm, Listen here son. If you break her heart or cheat or anything I will come for you, ok, so if your intentions with her aren't good then I suggest you leave." Tim said in his TO voice again.
"Sir believe me they are good I love her with my whole heart. Sorry for getting a bit cheesy." Dexter explained.
"Good. She's a good kid. I can't believe I'm saying this, so are you." Tim said to Dexter, before he could respond Tim had left.
After a little longer Dexter had left and Tim, Lucy and Tamara were talking about him.
"Soooo you like him?" Tamara asked cautiously.
"Yep, He's cute!" Lucy told Tamara with a smile.
"I suppose. He really likes you." Tim told Tamara.
"Wait what?" She asked confused thinking maybe he said he loved her, they haven't said those three words yet but they know they Love each other.
"He told me that he loved you?" He said looking at Tamaras smiling face. Lucy shot her head at the girl.
"OHMYGOD!" Lucy squealed at Tamara as girls do.
"BYE I GOT TO GO! LUCY DRIVE ME!" Tamara squealed and ran off. Tim was just left there clueless as to what had happened. 

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