What if Caleb Lived PT2

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A/N @Hazelrose2535 wanted part two to my one shot 'What If Caleb Lived?' So this is it! Hope you enjoy! <3

Lucy's POV

Today is the day. The court date. It's ridiculous how long they made us wait, so long that Tim and I are even dating now. I get bored of thinking to myself so I shake Tim gently trying to wake him.
"Are you ok?" He asks the second he wakes up.
"I'm fine, I want hugs." I say with an innocent smile. He snatches me into a tight hug.
"I'm going to come with you today." Tim states.
"But you have work." I tell him.
"Work doesn't matter." Tim assures me while giving me millions of kisses.
"Fine. We need to get ready to go, we also need to go by the station for Nolan and Lopez." I say.
"Why them?" Tim asks confused.
"Nolan's arresting officer and it's Angela's case." I inform Tim.
"Ok. And I'm the emotional support human." Tim smiles.
"Yeah, if you want you can go on the stand as a whiteness, I mean you did see him give me his number and you knew of the date." I tell him.
"I will if it means he goes away for good." Tim assures me.

We eventually get out of bed and get dressed in court clothes and head down the station. Angela and Nolan are talking to Grey so we head over.
"Hey, we are here to pick up the very kind officers." I smile.
"Bradford where the hell were you?" Grey asks.
"What kind of man leaves his girlfriend on a day like this? Would you do that? Didn't think so." Tim snaps as he throws and arm on my shoulder.
"No. Fair enough, I'm guessing your going with her." Grey half asks.
"He's my emotional support human." I say proudly.
"And he's ok being called that?" Angela smirks.
"He's the one who thought of the name." I shrug.
"Luce your lucky I love you." He tells me.
"Well you two can stand around flirting all day or we can throw an asshole in prison." Angela sasses us. Tim and I roll our eyes in sync and start walking off but we can hear what Grey says next.
"They are made for each other. Did you see the sync?" Grey says with a slight laugh.
"We can still hear you!" We both shout making Grey laugh more.

Tim's POV
The closer we got to the court house the more I noticed Lucy's anxiety. I automatically put my hand on her thigh to calm her but I'm interrupted by a very annoying Angela.
"Jesus Wesley needs to do better." Angela says from the back seat giggling.
"Well when your taken and have to face your kidnapper then maybe you can expect it." Lucy snaps making Angela stop giggling.
"Luce it's ok. If he tries anything I will fuck him up." I say as we finally pull into the parking lot. I find a park and of course the press is already crowding my car.
"Woah. All this for us?" Nolan chuckles.
"Yeah, I mean it's because it's connected to Rosalind Dyer and a cop taken, Lucy going to be in the spotlight for a while." I say. We get out but I head over to Lucy's side. I open the door and hug her knowing she's scared.
"You will be ok I promise." I whisper to her.
"Ok." She says shakily. I help her from my car and we walk inside while Angela and John are walking either side of us. 

We get inside and head to the court room and wait outside. Then just our luck Dream a little dream of me starts playing. I cover Lucy's ears before she notices it.
"What?" She asks confused.
"It's the song." I tell her. "Angela I packed some headphones can you grab them?" I ask her. Angela nods and plays around in the bag. She connects them to my phone and I play a song for Lucy and replace my hands with them making Lucy smile.
"You know how to look after you don't you." Angela smiles as well.
"I figured since they now always play this song everywhere they might now." I shrug. Suddenly John walks around the corner holding snacks and dumps them in the bag.
"Snacks for Luce." He says with a smile.

Lucy's POV
After a while we are allowed in the court room. We get settled in the stand. There's enough seats but I chose to sit in Tim's lap.
"Luce it will be ok." Tim tells me sensing how nervous I am.
"I know. But what if we don't win. What if he gets released?" I say looking at Tim's blue eyes.
"Then I'll personally arrest the judge for bad rulings and get a new court date, and while he's out I will stand watch of you and if he comes in sight of you I will arrest him again for harassment." He tells me with a smile. Suddenly I hear his voice. It sends shivers up my spine.
"This is going to be fun." He cackles in his annoying voice. I tense up as I see him getting seated up the front. He looks me right in the eye but looks away pretty fast. I turn and look at Tim whose staring him down.
"Everyone stand." The judge says. We all listen and sit back down when instructed to. The judge goes through all the basic stuff and then gets to business.
"Ok. Detective Lopez, what is your case?" He asks look at Angela.
"Caleb Wright here abducted Officer Chen here." She states sternly.
"Ok, What's your proof?" The judge asks Angela again. Angela shows the security camera footage, the texts of him telling me where to meet and then the video of the barrel where you can clearly hear him threatening me. It takes all my strength to not cry but I can't help but let a tear fall that Tim quickly brushes away.

After a while longer he calls me up to the front to tell him what happened. It takes me a while but I manage to tell him all the details. When I get back to Tim I break down in tears. I cry into his shoulder as he hugs me tight.
"I would offer you a break but I've come to a conclusion. Would you like to know?" The judge says. I just nod.
"She wants to." Tim's stern voice says to the judge.
"Caleb Wright will be sentenced to life in prison." He says. Immediately my sad tears turn to happy ones.
"Thank you." I choke out with my head still on Tim.
"No problem. Any last questions before I dismiss court?" The judge asks.
"Yeah, I want to talk to Luce." Caleb's voice says.
"No." Tim basically growls at him.
"Caleb, you may not. Court dismissed." The judge says but that doesn't stop him.
"If being a cop doesn't work out for you, you should be a singer." Caleb says, I could hear the smile in his voice. I feel hands go over my head and Tim move me. I turn around to watch what's happening. I see Tim walking over to Caleb whose mouth is moving as he gets quickly moved from the room. As soon as he leaves Tim comes back over and lifts me up and hugs me.
"I told you it would be ok. Let's go back home and celebrate." Tim tells me.
"Can you carry me to the car?" I ask with a smile.
"I was going to." He rolls his eyes. We start walking with Angela and John trailing behind us.
"Thanks guys." I say perking my head up to look at them.
"It's ok." They both say with a smile. We get outside and of course there's press waiting for us. I roll my eyes and flip them all off making Tim smile.
"That's my girl." He tells me as he puts me in the car.

We drive back to the station where we are greeted by our friends.
"How did it go?" They asks excited.
"Life in prison." I smile.
"We thought it was bad considering Tim was carrying you out of the court house and you flipped people off." Jackson says as he hugs me.
"How do you know about that?" Tim asks.
"Oh it's already on the news." Grey shrugs.
"They even got Mr Bradford smiling on camera." Nyla smirks.
"I WAS PROUD OF LUCY FOR FLIPPING THEM OFF." He defends himself making everyone laugh.

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