Sick Tim.

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A/N This was a request and I can't be bother to find out who asked bcs I think more then one person asked for something like this. Also I may stop finding the users of whose request/idea is whose but I will ofc still say when it was a request.

Tim's POV
When I wake up the first thing I notice is how gorgeous Lucy looks with her head on my chest and arm draped over my torso. The second thing I notice is how bad I feel, I'm freezing my ass off, My throat is burning like I just drank a whole bottle of straight whiskey and my nose is runny. I groan knowing Lucy will try to make me stay home which is NOT happening over a lousy common cold. Before I can think of away to make her not lecture me she's stirring awake. 

"Good morning baby." I say, my voice rough from the sore throat and sleep.
"You sound sick Tim." Is the first thing Lucy says.
"I'm not." I try to convince her but it's ruined by me needing to sniffle.
"Timothy you better not get me sick." Lucy grumbles before hiding her face in my chest to try to avoid sickness.
"I'm fine Lu. I just need some Panadol, and some kisses." I tell her with a fake pout.
"Well ask some other girl for them kisses. I'm working a big case and can't get sick." Lucy giggles while siting up and leaning against the headboard.
"That's not fair!" I complain. Lucy rolls her eyes then kisses two of her fingers and presses it to my lips. It's not what I wanted but I of course will take it.
"Take it or leave it. Let me get your medicine and then I have to get ready for work." Lucy tells me.
"It's ok, you get ready first since I guess you don't want me in the shower." I shrug after finally siting up.
"I know what your doing. Your not going to work." Lucy tells me.
"Why not? It's a damn cold!" I grumble even though it's starting to feel more severe.
"Timothy Bradford you are staying in this fucking bed and getting better! I don't care if it's a cold or you dying your sick for crying out loud." Lucy exclaims.
"Fine. But if I get teased then it's your fault." I frown.
"That's what this is about? Tim, no one will think less of you for being sick. It's not your fault, Jack probably got you sick when we saw him yesterday." Lucy shrugs.
"Blame the kid. Good idea." I chuckle.
"All my ideas are good but not the point. Your staying in this bed today." Lucy warns me once more.
"Luce! I'm going to be bored shitless. Just let me clean the house or something." I reason.
"No. Can I trust you to stay home?" Lucy asks.
"Yes." I grumble. 

With that Lucy nods and leaves to get me medicine and a glass of water. I take the pill and after she glares at me I lay back down and get comfortable.
"I love you." Is the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.

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