New Nickname

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Tim's POV
"Hey Boot." I say to Lucy as I walk over to where she's talking to Angela and Nyla. Lucy just ignores me so I figure she didn't hear me.
"Hey Boot." I say again but Angela and Nyla roll their eyes and keep talking to Lucy.
"Luce?" I ask.
"Oh hey!" Lucy smiles as she turns around.
"Boot why are you playing with me?" I ask her but then her smile drops and she turns around.
"Boot?" I ask, I'm so fucking confused.
"I don't know who boot is, you have a new girlfriend?" Lucy grumbles not even looking at me.
"What, No of course not! Your Boot, you know this." I say still hella confused.
"No I'm fucking not. I'm not a know nothing Rookie." Lucy grumbles. Oh. That's what this is about.
"Tim, just go away she doesn't want to talk right now." Nyla tells me.
"Luce, I'm sorry." I apologise.
"Don't apologise just don't call me boot." Lucy finally turns to me.
"I know, I won't I'll figure out a new nickname." I assure her and start of thinking of options.
"You better not start calling her Babe or Baby all the time because then I'll give you the silent treatment as well." Angela rolls her eyes.
"I won't." I nod because no way in hell am I calling her that near our co-workers. I'm thinking and suddenly I think of an idea. Hotshot. I mean it means something still, it's not sappy and it's not what we call our rookies.
"How's Hotshot? It still means something so I'm happy, It's not sappy so Angela's happy and I didn't call you it as a Rookie so your happy." I suggest, Lucy face lights up.
"It's perfect! Also since I can shoot better then all of you it fits!" Lucy smirks.
"Hey! Not the point!" I grumble.
"Still can't believe you did better then me." Nyla shakes her head.
"I can, I'm just amazing." Lucy giggles.
"Totally Lucy Chen fist of justice." I joke.
"HEY! THAT WAS AGES AGO!" Lucy frowns.
"So was the shooting hotshot." I roll my eyes.
"I see what you did there." Lucy giggles.
"Ok, come on lets go Luce." I tell her. Lucy and I head home and spend the rest of the day trying to figure out who is the better cop, no clue how we got to the conclusion but I eventually agreed it was Lucy. 

A/N OOOO TIM GOT THE SILENT TREATMENTTTT. I'm sorry for the short chapters lately but really it's bcs I'm rn motivated to write short oneshots and I'm writing all these on the same day and then scheduling them.

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