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A/N I know the time lines don't match up but we can be delulu for one chapter... Also, I said there were like 20-something more chapter ideas but I went through my spin wheel and some got scrapped (more like lots) so I'm sorry for that, and I apologise for taking so long to update.

Lucy's POV
I'm awoken by Tamara bursting through the door of my bedroom.
"Can you oldies get up? It's Christmas!" Tamara exclaims climbing into my bed. "Might I add, my first proper one!" Tamara whines cuddling up to me.
"The presents won't run off T." Tim chuckles holding me closer to him so he can wrap his arms around Tamara as well.
"But what if they do!" Tamara smirks.
"Alright well if you can get out of my bed so I can give my boyfriend kisses, I might consider getting out of bed." I tease. With that, Tamara scrambles out of the room leaving Tim and I laughing. I roll over to face him and smile at him.
"Merry Christmas love." Tim smiles.
"Merry Christmas," I respond and lean in giving him a few soft kisses. 

We eventually climb out of bed and head out to the lounge where Tamara is sitting at the tree like a child.
"Someone's excited." Tim chuckles as we take a spot on the couch.
"Yeah! I never really got Christmas like this!" Tamara grins.
"Go crazy, kid," I tell her and with that, Tamara reaches in and grabs three gifts. She hands us our labelled gifts excitedly.
"We all have to open them at the same time," Tamara tells us as she sits back on the ground. She counts us down and then we all rip open our gifts. Mine is obviously from Tamara and it's some bath salts and bath bombs, Tim opens his present from Tamara and it's a signed Rams jersey and Tamara squeals when she unwraps a new perfume she's been wanting.
"Tamara thank you so much!" Tim grins.
"NO THANK YOU! AND LUCY THANK YOU!" Tamara grins looking at the box.
"You're very welcome, and thank you so much for these! I'm gonna have the best bath tonight." I grin.
"Also T, I agreed to get you that because you stink kid." Tim jokes.
"And you need better style." Tamara giggles.

We spend a while longer opening gifts. Tim gets some cologne and Rams tickets. I got a Pandora bracelet with a boot charm, a heart with T+L engraved and a sun. Tamara gets some makeup, a Sephora gift card, some new Converse and LED lights for her room. Now, there's just one gift left and it's addressed to Tamara. 
"You guys shouldn't have gotten me so much stuff," Tamara tells us as she sets the box on her lap.
"Some stuff was needed though," I assure her.
"You're gonna be really happy with this," Tim smirks. With that, she tears into the paper revealing brand new Apple Airpod Max headphones in blue.
"OH MY GOD!" Tamara exclaims so loudly I'm surprised the lights didn't go out.
"I heard they have good noise cancelling," Tim smirks proudly making me hit his shoulder.
"Thank god! Thank you, guys, so much, I love them!" Tamara grins and gets up to hug us.

The next morning Tim and I are in the kitchen making breakfast when Tamara comes out of her room.
"Those headphones work well. They kept my ears innocent last night." She sasses.
"Worth the money," Tim smirks.

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