Cause We Never Go Out Of Style!

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A/N First off, thank you to @c1ndyverse for this idea. Secondly, I know lots of ppl want to see their requests but I haven't done them yet, I promise I'm getting to it just I have now so many ideas and requests but thanks for being patient with me and also sorry for missing some days but I'm rn skipping school to write and schedule some chapters.

Tim's POV
I get home from work about an hour after Lucy would have got home so I walk into the kitchen to see Lucy holding a whisk as I microphone while she spins around.
"YOU GOT THAT JAMES DEAN DAYDREAM.. oh! Hi Tim!" Lucy grins and pauses the song when she finally notices me.
"Hi, It's a party in here isn't it." I tease her while hugging her from behind.
"Can you blame me? I mean it's Taylor Swift!" Lucy giggle turning to give me a kiss.
"You and your Taylor Swift." I roll my eyes smiling.
"Shut up! Scram, I want to sing." Lucy smirks and starts playing 'Style' again. I go around the counter and settle into the stool watching her in awe as she keeps singing.
"Look in your eye, And I got that red lip classic thing that you like!" Lucy sings along as she cuts the veggies.
"And when we go crashing down we come back every time!" She continues as I smile st her swaying around with a huge smile on her face and making dinner. As she starts singing the next lyric I notice it's getting closer to the bit I know so I smile getting ready to join her.
"YOU GOT THAT LONG HAIR SLICKED BACK WHITE T-SHIRT!" We both sing loudly together and Lucy makes her way over to me when she notices I've joined in.
"And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt." Lucy sings while spinning.
"And when we go crashing down we come back every time!" We sing together.
"Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style!" We sing in sync and then Lucy wraps her arms around me hugging me tightly as the song plays in the background.
"You know it?" Lucy asks.
"You play it too much Lulu!" I chuckle giving her a kiss.

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