Loopy Lucy

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A/N Lucy and Tim have been trying to hide their relationship so only Grey knows. Lucy's a TO

Lucy felt a sharp pain in her her abdomen.
"Chen!" Screamed her Rookie, Officer Fay. He rushed over to her.
"Get the fucking criminal Boot!" Lucy yelled. The young male officer didn't answer he just chased down the man who had just shot Lucy. Lucy reaches for her radio.
"Control, 7-Adam-19, Shots have been fired at my location, I'm down I've been shot. Alert Sergeant Bradford too." The shot cop tells her radio. Then everything goes dark. Meanwhile with Tim.

"What did you need me for sir?" Tim questions Grey.
"Lucy's been shot." Grey tells Tim.
"WHY THE FUCK ARE WE STANDING HERE THEN?" Tim yells and immediately leaves for the shop. He speeds to her location and get out of the shop to see her lying on the ground alone, since the RA hasn't arrived yet.
"LUCE!" Tim yells as he runs over to her, He rips off his top shirt and holds it on the wound. He checks if she is breathing, she is which is good, He shakes her to get her conscious again. 
"Tim?" She asks shakily. Some more officers show up and the RA is pulling in.
"I'm right here baby." He tells her and picks her up to his lap. 
"They will know Tim." Lucy warns Tim.
"I don't care. This is more important." He tells her. After a couple of minutes the paramedics are loading her into the ambulance.
"Can I ride with her she's my girlfriend." Tim asks the medics.
"Sure." They tell Tim as they all jump in. As they rush her to the hospital Tim holds her hand watching her like a hawk to make sure she's ok. Once they arrive they take her into the ER to get checked out, then in comes all of their friends who were watching Tim hold Lucy. Tim already knows what they are going to say when they get to him.
"So? You and Lucy are a thing?" Angela asks with a smirk. Tim just nods. 
"Knew it, But how are you? You know she will be ok." Angela asks and states.
"I know." Tim says defeated and sits down.

After an hour Grace finally comes out of the ER.
"Tim?" She asks, Tim immediately shot up.
"What is it?" Tim questions her.
"She's going to be ok. You can go see her, she's in room 102. But she may be a little loopy because of the anesthesia and drugs we gave her." Grace tells him.
"Thank you. Guys I'm going to see her." Tim tells Grace and his friends. He rushes into her room.
"Timmm!" Lucy cries with a smile when she sees him enter her room.
"Hey Luce. How are you feeling." He asks.
"I feel like I was shot." She giggles. Damn what drugs did they give her?
"Yeah that's reasonable." He says to his girlfriend.
"Cuddles?" She asks like a child.
"Of course." Tim tells her and climbs up onto her bed and pulls her into a hug gently. After a little while their friends walk in and sees Lucy asleep on Tim's chest.
"Wow, look at you two." Celina speaks up.
"Shh before you wake her up she's hella high." Tim tells them sternly.
"Am not." Lucy says loudly looking up at Tim not noticing her friends.
"I'm hungry." She tells her boyfriend with a pout.
"Loopy Lucy acts like a child who would have thought it!" Angela speaks up.
"Heyyyyyy my besties! Now do any of you have food? I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it." Lucy tells them pointing to her cupboard.
"Yeah, I think I'm going to take that." Grey says to her and grabs her gun and taser from the cupboard. 
"Aww, Tim make him give them back." Lucy tells Tim.
"No Luce it's dangerous." Tim tries to reason with her.
"So am I but you don't take me like Caleb did." She says looking at Tim with a pout that makes Tim go weak.
"Grey give them back." Tim orders him. Grey returns the weapons.
"Wha- Tim Bradford, soft?!" Angela Speaks up.
"He always was especially when he saw Ashley but he's not whe-" Lucy teases but is stopped by Tim's hand over her mouth.
"You guys should go before this little one accidently spills everyone's secrets including her own. Like how she dated Emmett's friend to get revenge." Tim tells his friends who all had shocked faces. Lucy just slapped Tim face.
"Fumck youh!" She yells muffled from behind his hand.
"Yeah best we go get better soon Chen." All of the cops say and speed walk off.

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