Baby Fever

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Lucy's POV
Today is the day Tim and I meet Ivey (Since they didn't tell us her name.)  Angela's daughter. When we get to Angela's house everyone's already there.
"Thought you were never going to show up!" Angela laughs as she welcome us in.
"Don't blame me that Lucy took ages to get ready." Tim rolls his eyes as we get to the lounge room.
"Don't blame me that Tim wouldn't help me pick an outfit." I frown and look at him.
"Lucy I swear to god the first one you put on was fine." Tim tells me.
"Your my boyfriend you have to say that." I say back.
"Ok, well Chenford just got together and that took way to long so don't fight I don't want to have to knock Tim's clueless ass straight again." Angela complains.
"This isn't fighting." I deny.
"Oh god I don't want to be around when you fight then." Nyla giggles.
"It would be a shit show." Grey chuckles.
"No opposite when we fight Lucy ends up hugging me straight away." Tim shrugs and I slap his arm.
"Timothy I can play that game too. Watch it." I tell him off.
"Sorry." He says.
"Lucy can we please play that game?" Angela eggs me on. I grab my phone out find the picture of him crying and flip it around for everyone to see.
"Whoops." I say but Tim snatches my phone from my hand. "Hey!" I tell him.
"No. Meet the damn child then you get it back." Tim tells me as he put my phone in his pocket.
"Fine!" I smile and sit down.
"Tim really just grounded Lucy." Celina laughs.
"I did not. She doesn't need her phone right now when there is a room full of people to talk to." Tim tells them. As he sits down I snatch his phone from his pocket, I then get up from next to him and sit next to Angela and Ivey.
"Here you go Luce." Angela says and she hands the baby to me.
"She's so cute Ange!" I smile.

Tim's POV
I watch as Lucy talks to Ivey and talks to her in a baby voice. When she hands Ivey back to Angela she comes over and sits next to me.
"Tim I want a kid." She begs.
"Oh no Lucy got baby fever." Angela teases.
"Angela look what you've done." I tell Angela off.
"Tim don't blame Angela! It's not my fault kids are cute! Imagine if we had a little Tim who played football with you and Kojo!" Lucy complains. I will never admit to her but yeah that was be very cute.
"I guess there's a new kid coming to the station." Nyla smiles.
"No there isn't." I say back.
"Lucy will wear you down." Grey admits.
"No she won't. I'm not having a kid yet." I nod even though I really wouldn't mind but I don't want to admit that in a room of co workers.
"Please Tim!" Lucy begs.
"Lucy we aren't talking about this right now." I tell her but she pouts.
"Tim she's not giving up." Angela smirks.
"But Tim what if I die next year you wouldn't have anything to remember me by!" Lucy complains.
"If I say yes will you stop complaining." I ask her.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes. Please also I know you want an excuse to marry me and this would be a perfect excuse." Lucy smiles innocently.
"Fine." I roll my eyes but Lucy jumps into my lap and hugs me.
"Well we all know how Tim and Lucy decided to have a kid." Angela shrugs smirking.
"And to get married." Grey shrugs.
"Yeah, do you need my ring size?" Lucy asks with a smile.
"No." I shake my head.
"He already has a ring." Angela slips up.
"WHAT?!" Echo around the room.
"Sorry not sorry!" Angela laughs.
"You have a ring?" Lucy asks happily from my lap.
"Maybe." I shrug.
"Since when?" She asks.
"A few weeks." I lie.
"Tim don't lie to her." Angela says.
"Hey! I thought we would say we would never lie." Lucy pouts.
"Jesus fine. The second date." I tell her.
"Tim is such a lover boy." Angela smirks.
"Angela I swear if you don't cut it out I'll tell Wesley that your getting his balls cut off." I tell her. Everyone laughs and Wesley looks horrified.
"WHAT?" He exclaims.
"TIMOTHY WE NEED TO GO!" Lucy giggles seeing the look on Angela's face.
"Yeah. Nice meeting you Ivey but we need to leave before I don't have balls as well." I say and Lucy and I run off knowing I was about to get beat up.

A/N I hate this but I wanted to do a more funny oneshot

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