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Tim's POV
I wake up to Lucy shaking me like a crazy person.
"Are you ok Luce?" I ask quickly.
"Yeah, just you know when I was sick you said you would carry me everywhere for a day? I want you to carry me around today." She tells me with a smirk.
"Ok, where to first?" I ask her.
"Kitchen." She tells me. I get up and lift her up bridal style but she shimmies around and hooks her feet to my back and her arms around my neck. I get her to the kitchen and she jumps down.
"Thanks!" She says.
"I wanna know what I get if I carry you all day." I ask her since this is a bet.
"How about I'll watch the game with you, $100 and also kisses all day because your lips are going to be right there." Lucy says kissing me.
"Ok and if I don't I'll buy us a house together, I'll let you put make up on me and let you dress me for a week." I tell her confident I won't carry her somewhere.
"Ok I'm winning this bet." She tells me.

When we get to the station I carry Lucy inside bridal style.
"Bradford. Is Chen ok why are you carrying her?" Grey asks.
"You know how we are with our bets." Lucy giggles.
"Oh god what is the bet this time?" Angela chimes in.
"If he carries me everywhere I'll watch the game with him, give him $100 and kisses all day because he deserves some credit." Lucy says.
"If I don't I'll buy us a house together, I'll let Luce put make up on me and let her dress me for a week because I'm serious about carrying her, she said it made her happy." I tell her.
"A HOUSE?" Nyla exclaims.
"I mean we know how Tim is when it comes to Lucy's happiness." Angela shrugs. I was about to say something but Lucy starts making her way to hook onto me. When she's done moving Angela snatches her phone from her pocket and takes pictures.
"It's like a mother and baby sloth." Grey chuckles and walks off.
"Does that mean you will feed me as well?" Lucy I think.. jokes.
"Whatever come on I have to change." I tell her. Angela and Nyla giggle and follow us.
"Tim I need to do my hair." She says before I sit her on the bench.
"Fine." I say. I turn around and walk right into the men's locker room.
"You see anything it's your own fault." I tell her.
"I've been in here before dumbass." She says as she grabs a hair tie. Suddenly Nolan comes around the corner without a shirt on.
"LUCY?" He asks confused.
"Hi!" She giggles.
"I knew it was a bad idea to bring you in here." I tell her as I put my shirt on.
"Relax! It's nothing I haven't seen before plus your the only guy I'm checking out." She assures me. When we leave the locker room Angela and Nyla are waiting there.
"Where to next, and don't you guys have work to do?" I ask the three women.
"This is funny." Angela giggles.
"My desk." Lucy tells me and I start walking her to her desk and I sit on the chair next to it.

Lucy's POV

At around 12:30 Tim's singing some paperwork but I'm ready for lunch so I turn to him.
"Lunch time." I tell him with a smile. He gets up and lift me making my giggle like a child he carries me to his truck, then drive to the food trucks. When we get there he carries me, we order and he pays.
"Such a gentleman." I say as he puts his money clip behind his belt.
"What kid of man doesn't pay for his girlfriends food?" He jokes.
"Chris." I answer with a shrug.
"Yeah well he's got no balls so he's not a real man." Tim smiles as he grabs our food. I laugh at him holding onto me and the food. I grab the food so he won't end up dropping me. After we eat we go back to the station and a metro officer calls him over. After a minute he walks back over.
"Luce start looking at houses for us because I have to go on a metro op." He huffs.
"Yeah but your going to do my makeup!" He tells me, he then kisses my head. "Bye Luce, I love you." He tells me.
"Be safe, I love you!" I call to him as he walks off. I then run to Angela.
"I WON OUR BET!" I giggle.
"So your getting a house!" Angela exclaims.
"Yeah!!" I grin.

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