Pregnant Lucy Has No Filter.

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A/N So XjocXxx wanted another chapter like the one-shot on here 'Working While Pregnant.' I wanna say sorry it took so long to get it posted but hope you like it! Also everyone keep commenting ideas/Inspiration/A sentence and stuff. I will add all suggestions to spin wheels and I will eventually use the ideas!

Tim's POV
Lucy is currently 6 months pregnant with our first child and well you could say she's recently had no filter. She took a few days off since she was tired but today she's back to work without her filter. This is going to be and interesting day.
"Tim, can we leave yet? At this rate our kid will have died because we aren't getting out of here anytime soon." Lucy says as she stands at the door. 7:45AM and she has already dropped a truth bomb. Someone save me.
"Yes Luce. Come on." I tell her. I drive us over to the station. As soon as we get in Angela comes over.
"Angela you need to spend more time getting ready in the morning." Lucy tells her.
"Shit. Luce, apologise. That wasn't nice." I tell Lucy quickly.
"What did I do?" Lucy asks me confused.
"Sorry Ange, she's got no filter. I promise she didn't mean it." I apologise to Angela for Lucy.
"Timothy. I was telling the truth. It's not my fault you sugar coat everything like saying that you liked watching the bachelor with me when in reality you only watch it because you want to be a good husband." Lucy tells me frowning.
"I promise I do like it." I assure her even though I'm lying.
"LIAR!" Lucy snaps pointing to me making Nyla join the group.
"This group seems fun, what's happening?" Nyla asks smirking.
"Nyla why did you go so long in UC? You're a smart lady you should have known what would happen, same as Isabel." Lucy nods. I get really pissed off at her for saying that but I know she will apologise when her filter is back.
"Lucy, that's rude. You need to apologise and you need to apologise to Angela." I tell Lucy again.
"Why does she have to apologise to Angela as well?" Nyla asks.
"Pregnant Lucy has no filter and then she said I should spend more time in the morning getting ready." Angela tells Nyla.
"Sorry. Give me a minute she will apologise." I tell both of the detectives, then I turn to Lucy who is behind me.
"Luce, you need to apologise. You aren't being nice to your friends and co-workers. So apologise before they aren't your friends because you said some fucked up shit to them as well as me." I tell her like she's a child. Regular Lucy must have switched back on.
"What did I say?" Lucy asks confused.
"You told Nyla And I 'Nyla why did you go so long in UC? You're a smart lady you should have known what would happen, same as Isabel.' Which for starters really pissed me off and I'm sure upset Nyla. Then you told Angela 'You need to spend more time in the morning getting ready.' That's also probably pissed of Ange too." I explain to her.
"Oh shit! I'm so sorry Tim, I'll apologise better later but Ange, Nyla I'm so sorry. I have no clue why I said that, I promise I didn't mean it I guess I must have blanked." Lucy tells them with tears starting to form.
"Don't cry Luce, it's ok it's pregnancy brain we all have had it." Angela tells her and pulls Lucy into a hug.
"I haven't." I shrug.
"Timothy no shit you couldn't do this shit even if you tried!" Angela tells me.
"Rude." I joke.
"We should really get to work before we are all have kids and no jobs." Nyla says pointing towards their desks.

Lucy's POV
Thank god it's finally lunch. I make my way over to Tim's office and open the door.
"Excuse you. You need to knock." Tim says without looking up from his paperwork.
"Knock Knock it's divorce papers." I joke.
"Oh, Hey Luce sorry I didn't know it was you." He tells me and gets up from his desk abandoning his work.
"Lunch?" I ask with pleading eyes.
"Yes baby, let's go." Tim tells me. We head over to the food trucks, Tim orders while I sit with Angela, Nyla, Celina, Aaron and John. Tim comes back over with my food and pulls a chair from another table. Then another officer who has been trying to be friends with us for ages pulls his own chair and sits on the other side of me. I look him up and down and roll my eyes as I take a bite of my veggie burger.

Tim's POV
This is the first time I'm hoping Lucy will drop a truth bomb. Our conversations stop as Officer Reed sits.
"So how has your day been? I had the worst calls ever it was either stupid hard calls or nothing." Reed complains. None of our group likes Officer Reed since he's a slug, he only wants the gun, badge and pay. Come on Lucy I know you want to say something.
"Fuck sake it's not difficult to get the hints mate. WE DON'T LIKE YOU! You just sit around all day and your definition of stupid hard work is a fucking traffic citation so fucking do everyone at this table a favour and turn in your papers and fucking make some real friends because you aren't my fucking friend because I don't go home to my husband and gossip what a dick ward my friends are!" Lucy snaps at Officer Reed. It's so hard to not laugh at his mouth that's wide.
"Close your mouth because you might catch flies or your boyfriends dick." Lucy rolls her eyes taking another bite of her burger. I start to slightly snort from holding in the laughter so I stuff some food in my mouth.
"Sorry Ma'am. Have a nice day." He tells Lucy shyly and speed walks off as soon as he's out of sight we all burst out laughing except Lucy who just eats her burger like nothing happened.
"Lucy I've never been prouder." I choke out as we all laugh.
"Not even when I survived a serial killer?" Lucy asks, I quickly stop laughing but the others keep laughing some even crying.
"Ok maybe then, but Luce you got Reed to fuck off." I tell her smiling.
"No clue what I said but thank god that guy thinks traffic citations are hard, I swear if I ever have to ride with him I'd knock his shit straight." Lucy rolls her eyes making me start laughing again.

Ok so maybe there are positives to Lucy's no filter since she got Officer Reed to turn in his papers, Thank god because we have been meaning to fire him for ages!

A/N YAYY LONG CHAPTERRR! But I hate how much Tim's POV I did but oh well!

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