Love Languages

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A/N This was someone's idea I think but I have to many ideas on my wheel I have no clue whose idea so thanks to whoever asked for this lmao. Also sorry for missing another day but I've been having writers block sorta.

Lucy's POV
Tim and I are siting on the couch watching the rams game and I'm trying to figure out what the hell is happening. I'm getting bored so I figure I will at least get my phone. I untangle myself from Tim and climb off him.
"What? No. Come back." Tim begs as I stand up.
"I'm getting my phone." I laugh as I go grab it off the charger in our room. I come back to the couch and get settled right back where I was.
"That's better." Tim tells me giving me a kiss on my forehead.
"Your love language is physical touch isn't it?" I ask but more state.
"The hell is that?" He asks confused.
"Ok well a love language is how you show your love. There is 5, Physical touch, Quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service and gifts. I guess your a bit of all." I shrug.
"No your all!" Tim frowns.
"It's not bad. Also I am not!" I shoot back.
"How about we both are." Tim suggests knowing how stubborn we both are.
"Deal." I smile, I turn my phone on but it's quickly snatched from my hand.
"Hey!" I say pouting.
"The TV is on!" Tim reminds me.
"And? It would be an act of service to give me my fucking phone back." I tell him, Tim rolls his eyes handing my phone back over. We spend the rest of the night snacking, watching TV or for some on their phone and cuddling.

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