You're Home!

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Lucy's POV

What a way to end an undercover op, getting shot at. I get back to the station and I take the undercover car back to the parking garage. I grab my bag from the car and start walking towards the door to the station. I'm so excited to see Tim since I haven't seen him for about 4 months. I know exactly how to surprise him. I grab my phone and tell Nyla to make sure Tim's looking my way. She texts me that she's got it, a few seconds later she send me a thumbs up.

Tim's POV
Sure since Lucy has gone undercover I've been more grumpy but can you blame me? My girlfriend could be dead and no one knows. I miss so damn much, I mean four months without kissing her, seeing her gorgeous eyes and her bright smile. It's destroying me. Nyla quickly runs over to me.
"Tim, I need you to look at the door." She tells me and points to a door. I look that way and nothing.
"What Harper, there's nothing. I don't have time for jokes." I grumble looking at the door to the parking garage. Suddenly the door opens and Lucy steps in smiling her same old bright smile, with her beautiful brown eyes almost glowing looking right into my eyes. She drops the bag in her hand and bolts through the station making a bee line to me. She jumps right at me and I catch her and hold her up, she latches her arms around my neck cuddling me tightly.
"You're home!" I smile. She just answer with looking at me with her happy smile.
"Alright love birds no kissing." Grey interrupts.
"I'm done with undercover forever." Lucy says from my arms.
"What?" Angela, Grey, Harper and I all say together.
"Because I almost died not seeing Tim!" She complains and puts her head back on my shoulder.
"Thank god because Tim was so sassy!" Angela giggles.
"Awe, he was missing me!" Lucy giggles picking her head back up.
"A little." I tell her not trying to sound soft.
"Timothy, don't lie you have been holding me since I showed up." Lucy looks at me.
"And I'm not putting you down so suck it up." I tell her with a smile.
"GOT IT! I GOT A PICTURE OF TIM SMILING." Angela jumps up and down.
"You only have one? I have a folder of 400." Lucy smirks.
"What?!" I ask her.
"You smile lots." Lucy teases me.
"So Tim, are you actually going to put her down or are you guys conjoined now?" Harper teases.
"Conjoined." We both answer in sync.
"Tim my bag please." Lucy says pointing to her abandoned bag on the ground.
"This will be funny to see." Grey chuckles. I walk through the station with Lucy still hanging onto me. Lucy grabs her bag and holds it as we walk back over to the three others who are laughing.
"That was adorable." Angela laughs.
"Done with such grace." Grey adds.
"Nyla can you debrief Lucy I want to take her home." I ask.
"Fine let's go." Nyla waves.

Lucy gets debriefed and then I take her straight home. We flop onto the couch and cuddle up close.
"I missed you so much." Lucy tells me looking into my eyes.
"Can I finally kiss you?" I beg her.
"You may now kiss the girlfriend." Lucy smiles. I give her about a hundred kisses all over her face and every inch of skin that's visible. We settle in and watch a whole lot of top chef for hours.

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