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A/N This is a really short part I'm so sorry also I know I missed a few days so I'm really sorry.

Tim's POV
I'm in my office writing a report. I quickly check the time and see it's around 12 so I get up to head over to Lucy's desk. I save what I have on my report so far and then leave my office, closing the door behind me. I walk over to bullpen where Lucy is at her desk looking into something.
"Hey." I smile tapping her shoulder making her jump slightly and flick her head around.
"Hi!" Lucy grins brightly.
"Lunch?" I ask her, she doesn't answer me but she jumps from her seat knocking her pen cup onto the ground and then she slips on her pen. My reflexes quickly spring into action and I grab her catching her before she fully topples over.
"Woah there Luce." I grin as I brush her check with my thumb with my arm while she gets her balance back.
"Stupid pens." Lucy frowns. Lucy and I eventually get to picking up her scattered pens and then  we go to lunch at the food trucks where Lucy thankfully doesn't trip over something.

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