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Lucy's POV
I'm bouncing out of my skin with excitement. Tonight Tim and I are having our first sleepover as a couple. We have been dating for a bit over a month and we've decided on me going over to Tim's tonight for a sleepover.

Everyone found out about Tim and me a week ago so I carelessly skip over to where he's talking to most of our friends from the station.

"Hi!" I grin.
"Excited?" Tim chuckles, taking my duffle bag from me.
"Yep!" I nod.
"Hot date?" Angela smirks.
"No!" I exclaim.
"She's sleeping over," Tim adds.
"Awe! Wait is this a friendly or non-friendly sleepover?" She narrows her eyes.
"FRIENDLY," I tell her sternly.

I'm not quite ready to go that far with Tim yet, but this is a step in the right direction to it.

"There is more to a relationship than sex Angela," Tim tells her.
"Are you two having issues in that department?" Nyla pushes.
"Just leave it. Luce asked to wait and I respect that. No issues just respect." Tim answers before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the group.

"They are so nosy." He rolls his eyes.
"I know!" I laugh.

Tim drives us over to his and we pick up some dinner on the way. When we get to his, I dump my stuff this door and go over to the dinner table with the food. We eat while making small talk. 

"I'm gonna take a shower," I tell Tim once we are finished.
"Alright. Just use whatever." He nods and starts cleaning.

I take a shower and once I'm done he's on the couch with a movie we've been talking about watching on the TV waiting. I grin and climb onto the couch and into his arms. We watch the movie and once it's over I'm super tired. 

"Bedtime?" Tim chuckles.
"Mmm," I smile.

We both head to his room and climb into his bed.

"Want to cuddle?" Tim asks nervously once we settle in.

I just giggle, wrap myself around him and sigh in content.

"Goodnight." He whispers and kisses my head.

Next thing I know I'm asleep in his arms. Safe. Warm.

A/N I hate this loool.

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