What if Caleb Lived?

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Tim's POV

I run over to Nolan who has arrested Caleb.
"He's going to take us to her quick." Nolan says knowing I want to be there to find her.
"Ok. Fucking start walking asshole." I tell Caleb.
"Chillout pretty cop will be fine." He tells me rolling his eyes. He leads us away from the house, I see something on the ground. I pick it up and it's her ring.
"She's here isn't she." I state but ask.
"Yeah that bitch clearly fucking out thought me." He huffed. I walk over to him and slap his head.
"She's not a bitch. Sit." I order him and he listens. I quickly put the ring in my pocket and start helping the others dig. We uncover the lid and I yank it off. I pull her lifeless body out.
"Oof, too bad so sad." Caleb laughs slightly.
"Shut the fuck up." I hear Angela say. I check her pulse, it's weak but there so I start CPR.
"Come on Luce." I whisper.

Lucy's POV
I suddenly jump awake. My eyes open and I see blurry police uniforms. I feel strong arms wrap around me as I start to sob.
"T-Tim?" I ask, That's the only thing I want, to be safe in his arms.
"I'm right here Luce." He whispers in my ear. I thought it was him.
"Ok, are we done hugging I want to chat to her." I hear Caleb's voice say.
"Shut the actual fuck up Caleb." Jackson's voice says. 
"G-get him o-o-out of here." I say with a quiet, shaky, raspy voice.
"Some one get him out of here." Tim's TO voice booms making me flinch.
"Yes sir." Some officers say. There's some movement but then it fades.
"Come on Luce, let's get you to the hospital." He tells me back in his soft tone. I just nod. Suddenly I feel Tim lift me up. I hide my beat up face in his chest, I would have thought he wouldn't let me but he does, I actually enjoy it.
After walking for a bit we must have made it back to the house.
"Luce, I have to put you down on the stretcher." Tim tells me still using a soft voice.
"Are you coming with me?" I ask in a still raspy voice.
"I can." He says, he then places me down on what I'm guessing is a gurney. On the ride to the hospital Tim keeps holding my hand as the inspect all the bruises and cuts. When we get to the hospital I get taken in to get stitched up. When I get wheeled into my room I fall asleep.

When I awake I look around and see Tim?
"Luce, your awake!" He says with a huge grin.
"Your scaring me.. Your smiling!" I giggle.
"You tell anyone about this you will run behind the shop for two weeks boot." He warns me still holding a smile on his face.
"No! Also don't act like you haven't called me Luce like 400 times!" I roll my eyes and he does the same.
"Have you been here all night?" I question him after a moment of silence.
"Yeah." He nods instantly.
"Thanks." I say looking at him.
"For what? Doing my job?" He asks with a smirk.
"Hold it! We have basically in inside thing.. We are like totally friends!" I smile my first big smile.
"Outside of work. But at work I'm still going to be a hard ass on you and call you boot." He tells me.
"Deal." I tell him. After a little more silence Tim breaks the silence.
"Luce, your going to have to go to court about this." Tim tells me.
"What. No. No. No." I shake my head. I start to feel my eyes water.
"I will be there if you want. I will help you and hug you whenever you need it. I'm just a call away I promise." He tells me opening his arms to offer a hug. I nod and he pulls me into a tight embrace.
"Thank you." Is all I choke out.

A/N sorry it's short and sorry I missed yesterday. I'm getting sloppy with Ideas so I'm begging you guys please send me more Ideas you would like to see, Some inspirations or maybe just a line you would like to see in a story. Thanks for all the views, votes and more ILY!

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