Episode Four

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The edges unsealed, a slow whine of compressed air filling the space around us as the compression finally gave and the lid of the pod popped free. The angle of the pod was at enough of an angle that the human inside could step out, but also wouldn't topple forward. Or at least, that was the maker's intention.

Lylta swung the door open and I felt my heart race in my chest as the antiseptic smelling air was freed into the space. And then I could see her, all of her for the very first time. My son's mother. Hillary.

She had a delicate face, much more pronounced than that of a Trenzian. Our bulky features were considered handsome, I guess, but not in the same way as humans. Hillary was beautiful, utterly breakable. How cruel and strange was it that a race such as mine, with our brutal ways, would somehow be most compatible with a race such as hers.

Perhaps this is why bonding never worked. I could crush her in a single movement. Perhaps she was lucky that she had been inseminated via test tubes. Not the old fashioned way.

The body conforming mattress she'd been in for months kept her vertical as her body slowly began to come back to life. There was a jerk of her hand, the soft pink of her lips pulled. But still, stubbornly, her eyes remained shut.

"Hillary," the medic said, moving closer, "Can you hear me?"

I can't stop my boots from taking another step closer to the pod. At the sound of her voice, Hillary's chest rises quickly, a gasped drag of air fills her body. My mind freezes and I'm awestruck when those heavily lashed eyes suddenly flash open.

Deep, vibrant green, that's the color they are, and more than anything else in the world, I'm suddenly consumed with the hope that my son will have those features too. Beautiful, wild, utterly breathtaking.

Her hands shot out, finding the edge of the pod and began to pull herself free. "What's going on, something is...something is..." Her voice is rough, panicked and before any of us can move, she thrusts herself forward. Her feet splay across the softly glowing floor as her muscles struggled to keep herself standing.

I wanted to scoop her up, to clutch her to my chest and be sure that she was safe again before I let her down. But that alone made me pause. Was it possible just being this close was triggering the bond? I gritted my teeth forcing myself to remain still as the medic and the human woman reached her side, sliding their arms around her and lifting her to the floating mattress.

"Easy there, Mama," the human woman murmured, stroking a hand down the bare shoulder of my surrogate. Hillary blinked at her, then her eyes went wild again.

"Oh my God, I'm still pregnant. Why am I still pregnant?"


Don't worry, this is a dual POV I promise, it's just that our leading lady was still sleeping during these parts. Hillary's POV is coming soon!

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All the best,

G. Bee 

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