Episode Eight

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The new male appeared young to even my inexperienced eyes. I'd been hidden away in the human occupied portions of earth most of my life, but even I could see the youth in this Trenzian. They didn't age so differently than us humans, with the addition of wrinkles, but since there were so many free Trenizan warriors that lived a complete lifespan, I hadn't seen a lot.

Honestly since I was yanked out of my hyper-sleep status I'd seen more Trenzians on this ship than ever before in my life.

If I had the energy to laugh about it, I might have. Because not only was I surrounded by a prime warrior species but I was also carrying one myself.

The male who carried me, my muddled mind was slowly piecing together that he must be the commander here, but also he was clearly tied to me. If I was right, he was my donor, the male who had chosen me to carry his youngling. The Trenzian word for baby.

That must explain why he was so possessive. I had read the brochures, or at least some of them, that explained why Trenizans no longer breed or mate like most other species. At their core, they are still driven by wholly primal needs to fight and to –ah-- make more little Trenzians. But in their traditional settings, Trenzian couples, or mates, they become deeply obsessed with each other. The male or dominant becomes extremely protective, especially over his mate, or any pregnancy that might be developing.

It renders them useless for expanding the Trenzian empire as they are too distracted by their mates and families.

But by removing that connection, the mate bond, the Ternzian's found a way to capitalize on those instincts. By removing the breed and protecting part of their minds, they were able to blister up the aspects of the Trenzians' need to fight.

A mindless, pent-up culture full of warriors who craved fighting...because they weren't allowed to covet anything else.

It was sad, I think. Not as sad maybe as the Trenzian race destroying every other species in their path.

But sad, I guess. I was more than happy to look the other way when I signed on to become a surrogate for them. And I guess, I'm going to be looking the other way a while longer.

Especially since the alien holding me doesn't seem very inclined to put me down. But honestly, I want to step away for a minute. The longer I stay in his arms, the longer I wonder what the heck I'm going to do about any of this.

Something about their instincts, paired with my pregnancy and close proximity makes me wonder if his touch on my skin is somehow clouding my judgment.

"Please," I said softly, as he snarls at the younger warrior, "Can you put me down?"

The big male stiffens around me, his arms tightening for a moment, before his chest falls. Slowly, as if every movement he's making physically pains him, he bends at the waist and deposits my bare feet on the cool flooring. My toes curl and my leg muscles resist the movement for a second, I weave.

"Easy, little one," Commander Salex murmurs, his hand smoothing down my hip as I widen my stance and stabilize..

I offered him a quick smile, then reached out to grip the metal pole at the edge of the bunk beds. Holding onto the cool metal, I was finally able to ground myself.

"Commander," I said, looking at the hulking alien, then blinked. He was very dark purple right now, like more so than usual for the Trenzians. Did that mean something? My mind, usually so curious, was still a muddled blur of facts and memories. Focus, Hillary, I chanted to myself. "I'm quite safe here with–."

"Ghantlan," the younger warrior supplied quietly, still standing as far from me as the small room physically allowed.

"Ghantlan, yes," I smiled at the Trenzian, his skin a pale lavender. I noted the change in his flesh as compared to Salex, there had to be some kind of emotional tie to it, much like how I blushed.

Salex's handsome face tilted, "You are sure?"

"I am," I get the words out easily enough, but I'm not prepared for the whoosh of emotions that nearly sent me back to my knees. With every molecule in my being I wanted to take back my words, to beg for Salex to pick me back up, to tell him that this room was too bright, too exposed, too everything. He would know what to do, he would know how to make this horrible pressure in my chest go away.

I cupped the bump in my center, feeling the firm unfamiliarity of my own skin. Forcing myself to take deep breath after deep breath until the panic subsided enough that I could swallow my please, I looked back up at Salex.

"I'll be fine."

I was lying. But I needed a moment, maybe a hundred moments, then I would feel better. I wouldn't be able to get that with him around.

Salex reached for me, the powerful muscles in his forearms tensing and writhing under this purple skin. But just short of me, his fists curled, claw tips disappearing into his palms as I forced himself to pull his limbs back and away from me.

He was granting me this. Relieved and panic continued to war inside of me, but I pushed a smile to my lips.

"I will see you soon," I whispered, desperate to keep the emotion out of my words. By the way Salex's golden eyes flickered across my face, down low to where I still cradled his baby, and finally to Ghantlan, I knew I had failed.

He pointed at the young warrior. "If something happens to her, I will have your head."



Poor Ghantlan, he's just trying to do his job! 

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