Episode Nineteen

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She was late. My claws dug into my palms as I slowly walked the length of the medical center once more.

"I'm sure she's fine," the human woman spoke up from her position on a stool across the room. Lylta looked between me and his assistant before nodding firmly.

"What did you say your name was?"

The human woman pushed back a silvery braid, "You have not asked yet, Alpha Commander." Her words were smooth, but I could almost hear the underlying human laced in her meaning. It was the only thing that kept me from lashing out.

Lylta spoke up from across this room, "This is my..."

"I asked her."

The human rocked back on her stool, nodding appreciatively. "My name is Lois, Lois Alexander."

"I am grateful for all the assistance you've offered since Hillary woke up." I almost balked at my unintentional use of her real name, but it was too late. Taking it back would make things even more suspicious.

Lois stood up, moving across to begin to rearrange a stack of bandages. "I did it for her, not for you."

I bit back a surprised chuckle as Lylta gasped in shock. I turned to him, "Are all humans so...disagreeable?"

"Only the good ones," said a voice from the doorway and I turned to see Hillary standing at the door, her cheeks a little pink. When our eyes met, heat rushed through my veins. The temptation to press a fist to my chest nearly overwhelmed me, until finally, she ducked her chin and sidled into the room.

She was wearing deep purple today and something about seeing that tone against her pale, soft skin reminded me viscerally of how my skin and hers had looked pressed together yesterday. Hillary had napped on me for nearly an hour before I had finally had to reposition her alone in her bed.

It'd felt like lasers burning my skin when I had had to turn and leave Ghantlan's room, but the mixture of my assistant's scent and my body's desire for more of Hillary to caress had left me with a headache and a lot of mixed signals.

But now, in this sterile environment, with the smell of her quickly making it's way into my nostrils, my body nearly ached with need to enfold her in my arms once again. Lylta wouldn't protest, not against me. And Lois...well she was tiny, I could just pluck her up and set her aside and have Hillary all to myself again.

"Salex? Are you alright?" Hillary's voice is concerned, her head tilting and sending dark hair cascading over a shoulder. Instinct crowed at me to reach out and let my fingers expose those fine hairs. Would they smell like her? Or perhaps more like the soap she used? It was foreign to me, but reminded me of some kind of floral. Fuck, how long was she watching me.

"I'm fine, just thinking about a concern in the bridge."

She blinked rapidly, stepping up to brush a finger over my arm. My stalis tightened in their braid, nearly begging to be freed and to reach out and touch our mate.

Fuck me, not out mate. Our surrogate. And now, based on teh look on her face, if I hadn't scared her with my staring, then something in my words did.


Her fingers tightened and she leaned in, "Is there something wrong with the ship?" I saw her eyes flicker to the door at the back of the medical facility. Recognition bloomed. She's thinking about the women in the back, the other surrogates who are still safe in hypersleep while we float about in space.

"No, I'm sorry, Hillary, nothing like that. I'm sorry if I upset you."

Hillary's lips quirked a little, her hand dropping from my arm and an insane notion that I wished perhaps something was wrong so I would have another opportunity to touch her. I quickly shoved the urge down, turning back to the two medics who were valiantly attempting to pretend they couldn't see and hear everything we did.

A growl lurked in my throat, but I bit it back. Even in the chaos of our situation, I could feel the adrenaline spiking in my bloodstream over the prospect of seeing my youngling. I dropped hand to the base of Hillary's slender back and pressed her forward towards Lylta. When the medic reached for Hillary, I silently bared my fangs for only his perspective.

It was a clear threat, and he knew it. Nodding Lylta stepped away from Hillary and gestured over to one of the medical stretchers. I guided her forward, pleased that she didn't shrink away from me, even as she paused by the head of the bed.

"Do I just–oh–" Hillary's voice cut off with a soft breath, as I scooped her up and carefully placed her on the stretcher. Those dark green eyes were wide with surprise, but no fear as she gave me a quick smile.

My position caused my stalis to brush over my shoulders and ever so slightly they touched her bare shoulder. Information flooded my system before I could stop it.

Nerves, she was nervous, her body wired and heartbeat escalating as I stood beside her. But there was more, the sweet taste of her excitement, something deeply content in her about the youngling growing in her belly and a hint of something else. Something I wasn't familiar with. I twitched my head, sending my heavy braid back behind my shoulders before I could invade her personal feelings and thoughts any further.

The bond thrummed in my chest, desperate to continue touching her.

Lois appeared at her shoulder, leaning in to introduce herself to Hillary with a smile. A few moments later, Lylta joined them.

"Very simple, Hillary, you'll just lie back and let our systems run a quick analysis. Then we'll set up a short ultrasound so you can see you your youngling," Lylta quickly turned to Salex, "Or rather your baby."

My claws could be in his throat in a matter of moments. But I held my position at Hillary's head. There'd be no way to find another head medic until we reached Trenzian.

Lylta swallowed loudly then prodded a few buttons on the side of the bed, then in an overhead projection. "Let's just begin then."

Lois and Lylta both stepped back and I did as well. But then, as quickly as lightning Hillary's hand reached, gripping mine. "Salex..."

I met Lois's rather smug looking expression as I stepped back up beside the bed. "Will I interrupt the system at all?"

"Not at all," Lois says before Lylta can.

Slowly, making sure that Lylta doesn't see, I retract my claws and curl around Hillary's slender fingers. "Proceed."

The machine hummed to live and began its scan.


Oh my gosh, I need baby names for their baby!  Ideas anyone?

MORE coming later this week!

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