Episode Thirty-Three

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I arrived at Ghantlan and Hillary's rooms a few minutes after making sure that Adra had the situation with his new surrogate in hand. Not that I'd been worried, but I wanted to stay until he didn't want me anymore. And it was clear when he'd carried her out that he had no interest in me joining them back in his rooms.

A small smile tugged at my lips. I was happy for him. A male like him would make a fine mate. And based on what I'd seen, their connection is as easily as strong as Hillary and mine.

And I'd been pushing Hilary away since the first moment she opened her eyes on my ship.

Adra wouldn't do that. He would soak up her love and give her everything of his own. I pressed the small button at the door to request admittance. Hillary new I was coming, I'd set up this cuddle session, as she called, them a few days ago. I knew that she had been furious yesterday. I had loved jousting with her, but today, after everything I'd seen, I wanted to sink into her bed, surround myself with the scent of her and simply hold her.

My chest ached a little where the bond seemed to stem from, but before I could press a palm to it and attempt to cover it up, Hillary opened the door wide.

"Salex," she whispered, stepping out into the hallway and wrapping her arms tightly around my middle. Her human arms wouldn't reach comfortably, but she made it work by intertwining her fingers. With a sigh, she settled against me. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Really?" The thought pleased me.

Her head nodded against my torso, her cheek rubbing against my uniform. Hillary pulled away, her hands freeing my torso with just enough time to begin to pluck at the buttons on my uniform. She got two free before I grabbed for her hands, stilling her against me. "What are you doing?"

I could feel the eyes of a passing pair of crewmembers and looking down I realized what kind of picture we might make. Hillary was in a tank top again, but had traded her loose, billowing pants for something so short that my mind actually blanked as I looked down at her. Twisting my body so that she was hidden from their eyes, I hissed at her. "Why would you open the door in your underwear?"

Hillary practically purred, the movement had pressed her up against me once more. She pressed her nose against the patch of skin she could reach and huffed a breath against me. "You smelled so good, I couldn't wait."

I growled, my cock twitching as I bent down to wrap an arm underneath her half-exposed buttocks and pick her up. "Duck," I warned as I stepped into her room. Hillary folded over my shoulder with a giggle and we passed into the room. The door shut with a decisive whoosh behind us.

The room was blessedly empty, and as I stood there, her thigh pressed against my chest, I took a long slow deep breath of her. And instantly regretted it. Fuck.

She was different. She smelled different, the delicate scent of her now more complicated, complex, and it was like the drug lyrr from the South sector on my tongue. And I knew it would be twice as addictive.

I breathed her in again, my chest rumbling with the softest purr that I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to. Hillary's squirming stilled and her hands pressed against my back as she realized that something had changed. My nose pressed against the soft exposed skin and I let the tip of my tongue dart out to taste her skin. It only added to the driving force of need that nearly sent me to my knees.

She shivered against me, the bond between us no doubt relaying my feelings at the moment. I'd already scented the shimmering arousal that always seemed to lurk between us, but now, it was a wave, threatening to overwhelm me.

"Salex?" Her voice was breathless.

I rearranged my grip on her, guiding her down until her arms slipped around my neck and her legs held tight at my waist. I could feel the burning heat of her core against my belly. My hands braceleted at her hips, holding her off me enough that there would be no damage to the youngling that was between us. She shifted against me and I suddenly remembered every smell and feel of her heat against my fingers. And it wasn't enough. Because everything had changed.

"Salex, what's wrong?" her hand reached up and traced down my face, one fingertip tracing the line of my stalis. It immediately relayed what I already knew.

She wanted me.

She smelled like me.

She was mine. Fucking mine.

"You are different."


I tilted my head back, breathing in deeply, "You smell like a mated female," I gritted out, "You smell like my mated female."

Hillary groaned, her hips tensing in my hands as she arched her body against mine. I tightened my hold, trying to steal her. "I am.." I swallowed hard, the taste of her scent forever stamped on my tongue, "I am not a good male for you, Hillary."

She nuzzled the underside of my jaw, "Agree to disagree?"

I moaned at the feel of her petite mouth nibbling my jaw, the slick heat of her tongue as it darted out. My claws curled and I knew she could feel the prick of her against her thighs. But instead of pulling away she only curled closer.

Growling, I gripped the edge of her chin. "Agree."


Just adding a little steammmmmm.

Don't forget you can find me on Instagram now at @g.bee.writes 

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