Episode Thirty-Nine

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I want your venom.

God, had I really said that? It was as if a deep, dark part of me was suddenly in charge of my vocals and it was really, really horny. Well, fuck it, I was desperate for him, while I didn't understand the venom part, I was ready for all the rest.

I wanted Salex to climb that big, beautiful body over the top of me and make every one of my Trenzian fantasies true. "Salex? Was that wrong?"

Salex was still perched over me, his massive form arching over me as his shoulders rose and fell in huge heaves. Had I said the wrong thing? Did I upset him? I rose to my elbows pushing my hair out of my face as I did.


"Say it again." His voice was gravel.

"I don't–."

"Say it again."

Swallowing hard, I brought one knee up along his side, and a strong hand gently caught my knee and held it. Pleasure tingled down that limb. "Salex..."

His chest heaved, his stalis swirling gently over my body, the tips grazing my clothes as he held himself above me. I pushed on.

"I want you–"

I could almost feel the tension break around us as I finally uttered the last word. "Venom."

And then he was on me, his lips on mine, his claws slicing neatly through my clothes until I could feel the heat of his breath on my skin. God, it was so good, the feel of his calloused palms, the skim of danger in his claws as he traced the lines of my body.

And when his mouth found my breast, a long, strong tongue wrapping around my nipple and sucking gently as he tossed the tattered clothing from our forms. "Put your arms around me."

Without hesitation, I wound my arms around Salex's neck, his stalis first moving aside, then wrapping around my arms as an extra hold as my mate picked me up. My mate. Oh my God, what did this mean? Careful with my belly, my mate easily lifted me up and shifted us to the floor, where my nest of blankets and pillows still covered most of Salex's quarters.

Salex released, me disappearing for only for a moment before reappearing with a bottle of something on one hand. I eyed it warily. "That better not be sleeping potion."

Salex chuckled, actually chuckled, then placed the bottle off to the side. "It is for you, little surrogate. A...nutrition drink of sorts."

I stared at the drink then back at him. He smiled slowly, his fangs showing. What had I just gotten into? "Will I need sustenance?" I swallowed the laugh rising in my throat.

My mate, handsome as can be, leaned in and brushed his lips across mine before whispering once again. "Remember, my species can be quite voracious." His golden eyes were dark, bronze in the dim light of his quarters.

He pulled away from where my hands had assumed position on his shoulders. The few times I'd been with a human man, I'd laid on my back, my legs spread and it had started out delightful and exciting and ended with an awkward pause where he apologized for the event, so to speak, was already over.

I prayed to every God in the universe that Trenzian's reputation would stand up to real life situations. And as Salex moved back, crawling in reverse until his head was over my pelvic bone. I can feel the heat of his palms on my thighs, pressing me open to his eyes. I gasped, feeling the heat of his gaze as he stared down at me.

I couldn't see around my belly, but I could feel the soft, careful press of his fingers, now bare of their claws, as he traced the line of my arousal. "So beautiful," Salex growled, his muscles bulging and coiling under that silken purple flesh. My body clenched.

Without another word, Salex's mouth was on me, his thick, unusually dexterous tongue was tracing every line of my pussy. With a ragged groan, Salex lifted one leg and placed it over his shoulder, then did the same with the other, lowering his weight to the floor of my nest.

"Salex, I–," I tried to speak, my mind blurred as his tongue lapped over some beautiful, forbidden part deep inside of me. He retreated, just for a breath, his voice panting as breath warmed my thighs.

"I tried to imagine, I tried to plan for you, but there was no planning for this, mate. Fuck, you taste like perfection and I could live every day of my life here, between your beautiful legs, making your pussy weep for me."

My body arched, my breathing hitching. Salex ran the thick of his tongue from the shy pucker between my cheeks to the bud that was dying for more of his attention. I was so close, his tongue making my body twitch and ache as he continued to drive me towards that beautiful bliss.

"More, little mate. I want to taste all of you. Cum on my lips, so I can taste your pleasure." Salex pressed a sucking kiss to my clit making me cry out. "And then I will fuck you until you can never, ever dream of another male in this delicious pussy."

My neck hurt, I was arching so hard, feeling the way that every nerve in my body seemed to prepare for the onslaught of Salex's touch. "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Only for me, little mate," Salex said, his hands on my hips guiding me flush to his mouth as his tongue stiffened and he drove it deep inside of me. So deep inside of me, brushing the deepest, most sensitive part of my insides as he all but threw me over the edge of my orgasm.

My hands dove into his stalis, my body curling around his head as he gently pushed his tongue inside of me. My muscles clenched and released, the pleasure coming over me in waves so intense I could barely breathe. Time after time, until I worried that maybe, this beautiful, enormous alien had broken something inside of me.

When the last wave slowly crested, my hips twitching, I found I couldn't let go of his stalis.

I wasn't ready to let go. This male had barely touched me, then saved my life, declared me his and given me the best orgasm I could've dreamed of. "That was....that was amazing," I realized I was saying, the words falling from nearly numb lips as I stroked a hand over his head and shoulders. Salex moved my legs back to the softness of the nest before rising up over me. His fangs flashed.

"You're right, that was amazing," Salex said, a thumb brushing over his lips, tucking the last of me into my mouth. I flushed, but didn't shy away from his stare as he boldly looked me over. "And we're just getting started."


Hold onto your seats. 

More steam is coming! 

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