Episode Forty-Six

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The others were being woken up now. In a few short hours we would have fourtneen human woman, surrogates on board. Plus Catherine in medical. I cursed under my breath, my fingers tightening around Hillary's fingers.

"How bad is it?"

I glanced at my mate, trying to keep my face blank as we manuvered down the halls. Many of the crew was out moving through the hallways. We were consolidating living situations, making room for the surrogates to stay with as many of their donors as possible. I new that many of the crew were frustrated. But that wasn't a problem for today.

That was a problem for after we convinced the council that everything was fine.

"The council will be here by the end of shift."

Hillary's silence spoke loudly. I pushed on, drawing her ever closer as we reached my quarters. "They will be checking over the ship, making the equipment repairs."

"And inquring into the situation with the surrogates," Hillary responded softly, moving into the quarters and rubbing her belly as she spoke.

I remained by the door, letting my eyes drink their filly of my beautiful mate. "Yes. As well as making a case as to why I am no longer fit to lead."


"My judgement has been compromised, my priorities have shifted, they have just cause to remove me from my role."

Hillary rushed to me, her soft warm fingers sweeping over my jaw. "Being able to live and feel isn't a crime."

"To a Trenzian it is. By allowing me to continue my leadership here, they will speak to every Trenzian everywhere that they can have a mate and not face consequences."

"But you aren't compromised."

My head lowered and I pressed my forehead against her, "Oh little one, I am so deeply compromised, so much so that you can't even see it."


"I would let them burn, if it meant one more day with you. It is only you and my youngling's dependence upon this ship being repaired that are prompting me to make the right decision here."

I brushed a hand over the swell of her belly, then paused, feeling my son move under her skin.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm going to meet the council when they arrive. I won't be able to keep them from you for long, but I need you to stay here, for as long as possible."

"I can't let you do that."

"You have to. If I have to worry about you on the ship, lost, trapped with the crew while I'm trapped there, I'm likely to fall into the same madness as Adra."

Hillary's throat worked. "What will they do to you?"

"We aren't monsters, the council, warriors who lived long enough to gain political status, they will question me. Then we will most likely be given a punishment of some kind."

"Will they hurt you?" Her hand moved over mine, "Or us?"

"No, they won't. A Trenzian youngling is more valuable than almost anything else in our world. You will be protected."

I was sure of this. I knew there was a high probability that they might try to put Hillary back in the statis pods but I didn't want ot scare her with that yet. I had a few ideas on how to sway their choices of punishment, but the likelihood that I would get to walk off of this ship with Hillary and our youngling was quite small.

I felt my son move against my palm.

My life didn't matter. She would be safe. I would be safe, and that was the bottom line. "I have to go now."

"I know," her voice broke and I leaned over her, my hands finding her silken hair and using it to draw her face up to mine.

Even now, with dead consequences waiting, all I could think about was her. The sweetness of her scent, the way her skin hummed against mine. The pulsing light at my center, the connection to her that burned so bright I couldn't believe my form didn't glow with it.

My nose brushed hers. "Kiss me little mate, and tell me you'll listen to my orders."

Her laugh was watery, "Just today or always?"

I grinned, then leaned into nip at her lips. "We'll start with today. "

She pushed up onto her toes, closing the distance between our mouths. I groaned, she echoed the sound as I tasted the soft heat of her tongue with my own. Time stopped as I drew from her, soaking in the sweetness of her, the rightness of us.

And when I finally broke the kiss, I knew she felt it too.

I could only hope that they might see it too. And take mercy on us. All of us.


Drama drama, here we go!

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