Episode 52

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The Prime stood, moving towards the door of my quarters like he hadn't just insinuated that we should dismantle an entire cultural norm within Trenizan life. Turning, he looked back at me and Hillary as his guards slipped out, followed by the other council members.

"Think about it," Oren said softly, his chin low, "I'm not asking you to hurt your people, I'm 'asking you to take a chance so that those who want to find their mates are able."

"I'm just a commander."

Oren grinned then, "Not anymore, Salex. You're a mated male, a father. You're the future of Trenzian culture. So no, not just a commander."

Hillary shifted on my lap where I"d been holding her. She was tired, I could feel it in the way she leaned back against my chest, her hands cupping the big round belly that carried our youngling. My throat was tight, too tight to speak again. I nodded instead. A moment later, I heard Oren's footsteps again.

"My people are working on the engines, I will go to assist. Let's talk soon, after your fierce little mate gets some rest."

That did get my attention, not the words precisely, but the obvious pang of jealousy in them. But Oren was already turning, the door to my quarters shutting and sealing behind him.

"What does this mean?" Hillary said, snuggling close, her face at my throat. My stalis brushed her skin and within a moment, I knew everything about my mate. She was tired, her feet were swollen and painful. There was a soft pang of hunger though, buried underneath the most powerful emotion of all. Pleasure. Pleasure at being here with me. She felt safe, even as the Loskee continued to struggle to find its power once again.

Her trust and love filled my chest to aching. A soft rumbling purr immediately poured out of me before I could stop it.

Looking down, I watch her lips curl in the hint of a smile.

"Don't distract me with your purr. Mister. You were informed that there is a massive mutiny afoot...and that he wants you to lead it beside him."

I huffed, sweeping a hand low and rubbing at the muscles on her back. "Beside him is generous. He needs the ship."

Hillary moaned a little when I hit a quivering sore muscle and I frowned. The only time I wanted a sound like that to be coming from her lips was in pleasure. Not in pain. "Let's get you to bed. Then we can talk more."

My arms stole around her, under he knees, and hitched her high on my chest as I stood slowly. I didn't want to jostle her. My overt carefulness must've been conveyed because Hillary let out a sleepy chuckle. "I won't break, Salex, I am able to walk to bed."

"Perhaps, but I prefer to carry you."
She was quiet then, her heartbeat and breathing slowing as I tucked her in to the immense nest that we'd created in my chambers. "Do you need anything else?"

"Can you stay? Just for a little while?"

I was on my knees, moving forward to curl around her in an instant. "Of course." My hand found the globe of her belly and after helping her move a few pillows into place, I stroked the smooth, tight skin there. It had only been a short time since she'd been awoken but suddenly the youngling seemed imminent.

Her fingernails danced up and down my forearm as I waited patiently for the youngling to shift under my palm. I would never grow tired of that part.

"If we don't follow the planned flight path, what will happen?"

"I can buy us a few weeks, claim we were off track and to stop and refuel. It wouldn't be too out of the ordinary. And that would allow any crewmates who want to deboard have the chance to do so."

"Do you think many will go?"

I sighed, "I'm not sure. Oren claims that if we manage to convince his father, or at the least his brothers, then we may have a chance to find their mates. But that is an unknown for so many. There are plenty on board who are content with things as they are now." I shrugged into the softness of her nest. "I would not hold it against them if they chose to leave."

"But you would stay."

I paused. I did want to, but only under one condition. "I want to be the kind of leader my son would be proud to know and love." I shifted to look into her face, "But I cannot go anywhere without you. I am yours, Hillary. Yours to command, yours to bless, to hate, to love. Whatever fraction of life you chose to give me, I want. So I will stay and fight, or I will go with you. No shame, no regrets."

HIllary smiled a little, her eyes shining. "Of course I want to stay." Her fingers twined through mine, lowering my hand until she pressed both of us against where the youngling was moving. A bolt of fear, of joy warred in my chest.

"I don't want you to be in any danger. "

"I'm tougher than I look," Hillary whispered back.

I buried my face in her hair, breathing deep. "I do not deserve you, mate."

"I've been meaning to ask you about that."

"Which part?"

"That you keep calling me mate, acting like we are mates. But I remember one fairly large task we have not accomplished yet in the process."

My blood heated, "You are heavy with our youngling, I didn't want to..."
Hillary's hand cut me off as she rolled so that she was on her back. "Before we face whatever comes next, I want it to be as official as it gets." Her hands rose, pushing her hair back from her throat. "Bite me, Salex. Make sure everyone knows who belongs to who here."

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