Episode Twenty-Five

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"Roll over," the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. Hillary's eyes, which had hazeley been cataloging every inch of my upper body, jerked to mine.

"Roll over? Why?"

Because if I see your face while I touch you, I'm going to either embarrass myself entirely or fall straight into the blind pleasure of a bonding rut. I smothered the resolve to say this out loud and instead gave her a slow smirk. "It will be more comfortable," I gestured at where my youngling was pressing against my side even now. "For everyone."

Hlilary flushed a little, her mouth forming an 'o' as she moved to follow my direction. As she did, I gripped her elbow, assisting her. When her back was to me, the silken fall of her hair between us. I couldn't resist leaning in and pressing my nose to her scalp, breathing her in once more. My cock was like steel in my trousers and I shifted my hips with her, to keep her from feeling the full force of me all at once.

My heart thudded, I didn't want to scare her. Or push her, having this moment, her vulnerability against me was enough for now. I could feel the burn and need of the bond in my chest, and the way that my venom left a metallic taste in my mouth. It would be so easy, I thought, staring down at the pale line of her neck. To sink my teeth in there, to claim the bond that was so openly available.

Many males would've.

But I had to be better than them. I had to think of my future, my younglings' future. What would the council want with a bonded male? Certainly not the political position that I was primed to take upon return to Trenzian. It was clear that the bond was already forcing me to make irresponsible decisions. They would be well within their rights to excuse me.

My hand smoothed down her side. And where would that leave her.

I shook my head, swallowing the venom that had slipped out and pressed a chaste kiss to her shoulder. I would give her what she needed, taking none for myself. And when the time came for us to part, the bond would wither and die. Just like the council had always said. A bonded Trenzian male was a dangerous one.

I refused to be that male.

Slipping my arm around her body, I caressed over the bump of her belly, then rose higher. I wasn't new to females, I'd had several long term partners on various missions and tours of the universe. But never a human. And never a female that was so important. But I had done my research these past few days, I'd told myself I'd done it to prevent something like this ever happening, but I think even at the beginning I'd known that this moment was inevitable.

I was a strong male. I was an alpha commander.

But I still couldn't resist her. I hadn't been able to, even when I'd snuck in to watch her in hypersleep. This human had always held me in her clutches.

Humming gentle, I pressed a kiss against the side of her neck. I'd loved kissing her earlier, the gentle pull and play of her lips on mine. And her tongue, I groaned just remembering the slide of it against mine. I'd wished she'd use her tongue on an entirely different part of me. But that wasn't going to happen today.

I need to stay focused, to give her the release that the bond demanded, then pull myself away before I do anything stupid, like making it permanent.

"Little one," I murmured in her ear, surprised when she shivered against me. I raised a hand, running my fingers gently over her fabric covered breasts. "Can I take this off?"

Jerkily she nodded and I helped her tug it over her head, retracting my claws so I didn't tear the delicate weave of cloth. As she laid back down I caught a look at her breasts and my cock throbbed in my pants once again.

They were perfect, smooth and rose-tipped with just enough wait that I knew they would fit right in the palm of my hand. In one of my research findings I'd noted that they would be extremely sensitive right now, because of the youngling and hormones flooding her system. Keeping my claws retracted, I didn't' stop myself from reaching around and palming the flesh. They were soft against my rough-skin, their perfect shape filling my hands.

HIllary's head falls back against my form, a soft breathy moan on her lips. "Salex..."

I growled in response but I know that it held no power, just an instinct response to the female my body was convinced was our mate. "I've got you, just relax."

At my words her body relaxed, whether it was instinctual to do it for her at this moment or Hillary's own choice I wasn't sure. But either way her body falling to my words made my cock throb once again. I reached a hand down, pinching hard on the fully extended length in an attempt to stave off the need to release all over my pretty, willing little mate.

Fuck, no not mate.

"Tell me how this feels?" I said into her ear, keeping my voice low and soft. My hand returns to her breast, kneading softly, my fingers moving so that I could apply gentle press to the soft, pink tips.

Hillary gasped, her hips squirming on the bed as I moved my hand, "Yes, yes, please. That's so good," she took a rasping breath in. "More please."

I couldn't stop the slow buck of my hips against his backside as my hand dropped to the other breast, providing that same, rolling pressure treatment to it. I was rewarded with another slow grind of her hips back against mine. This time I couldn't bring myself to hold back, or to hide the very physical reaction of my body to hers.

I huffed in a breath, scenting her sweetness on my tongue and recognizing it for what it was. Her arousal. I continued the gentle pull and play of her breasts as she rolled against me. My fangs leaked venom all over my tongue as I slid a hand under her head, letting my fingers caress her breast as my now freed hand moved down her belly.

"Comfortable, little one," I murmured in her ear as she continued to grind back at me. "Do you need more?"

Her hand reached back, and beforeI could stop her plunged straight into my stalis. The information overload nearly made me come before I calmed my instincts once more. Arousal, hers, sweet and potent washed over my senses, transferred to my nervous system by her touch. And then there was the bite of need, a combination of both of ours that continued to hound me.

"I need more, Salex, please. I need more!"

My hand moved to her hip, holding tightly to the curve as I rolled against her, letting feel the entire length of my body on hers. She did nothing but keen and attempted to drown me ever close. My head swiveled on the bed as I attempted to get ahold of my instincts.

They wanted to drive into her, to plunge deep and feel the silken heat of her body welcoming me, milking me as I drove us both over the edge of bliss. UntilI could sink my teeth into her shoulder, claiming her official as trenzian male could. To let my stalis roam free over her body, leaving my touch on her in every way.

"Fuck," I said aloud, "I'd give you anything, sweet human. Tell me what you need."

Authors note:

Don't you love a little male POV during 'cuddles'? Do you prefer to read your steam in female or male POV? I'm torn, I love it all!

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