Episode Thirty-Six

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I'm dreaming, I know I am. What an odd feature. Perhaps this is some kind of side effect that the Trenzian's built into their sleeping potion? I reached out, stroking down the softness of the bedding that surrounded me. I'd never felt anything like this, it was almost fluffy in texture, but the fibers were different. Yet another clue to my system that even in my dreams I was very, very far from Earth still.

But not for long

This baby would come, Salex's youngling, and then my time with their impossible, grumpy, protective father would be done. I would be rich, more rich than anyone in my sector. Even after I paid for my return to Earth. Grandmother and I would live out our days in peace.

Why was that aspect suddenly so hard to envision? It was like my dreamstate mind couldn't quite get a mental image of Grandma. She was just a mist-like shape in my mind now? Was that the sleeping potion? Or the bond screwing with my head? It had to be.

Irritated, I suddenly felt like my skin wasn't quite right. I needed more of the softness, more fluffy. I shook my head, stretching my legs and cupping the curve of my belly as I shifted between awareness and sleep once more. But then something silken fell over me, and warm, sweet-scented air fanned my face.

I relaxed into it, the muscles of my body comfortable even as a very distinct pull in my belly began. Yes, fuck yes. That's what I wanted. A sex dream, maybe here I would actually get the release that I needed so badly from Salex.

Warm covered my back, a rumbling noise sounding against my back as more heat surrounded me. I tried to open my eyes, because I had a distinct feeling whatever the voice was saying was probably very important.

But I couldn't move, not really. My limbs were heavy and awkward in my sleeping state. All I could do was think about the delicious smell surrounding me, the calming rumble at my back and the ever-growing need that seemed to be clawing its way to the surface.

I closed my eyes and let him in.



In the list of things I'd done to violate the rules of the council regarding surrogates, this was the one that might truly kill me. And not because it was a direct defiance of the council's orders. But because I wasn't sure if I could continue breathing with Hillary like this against me.

After I'd moved Hillary to my rooms, she'd passed right out into a deep sleep. I knew at this point that I was done skirting the edges of the rules that had been laid onto us with no particular reason.

I was a Trenzian male and the mother of my youngling needed me to be exactly that. Fuck the rules. So I'd called Catherine, who had been the supplier of so many of my records on Trenzian bonds, to come over and help.

Together we'd looked through some of the older records, noting the first matches of human and Trenzian. Then we gambled on what the best solution was. I knew that Hillary had had these cravings for my touch, but also for the scent of me and my things. I knew that she was hungry and sexually deprived, both things that I intended to correct immediately if she was also interested.

But the first thing we'd done is to deconstruct my bed from the plain mattress and sheet that I'd slept in for my entire adult life. Pushing the mattress to the floor, I'd pulled the spare blankets out of my closet, arranging a variety of different textures and density options into what I could only call a sort of next before moving Hillary into it.

Catherine and I had held our breath as she settled in, squirming a little until I threw a blanket over her. She'd settled for only a moment, before her hand had moved out, searching over the vast mound of blankets.

Me. She'd been looking for me. The moment it had occurred to us, Catherine immediately ducked out of the room, bowing at the door before closing it. Like my human, the older female was very intuitive and understood I could never crawl into this outrageous looking mound of blankets with my human with her watching.

But my shirt had hit the floor the moment she was gone. My pants following. Lylta had spoken to Ghantlan about the amount Hillary had drank and it was likely she would sleep for a few days. And I intended to join her. At least at first. And I preferred to sleep bare.

Crawling in behind her, I'd allowed my stalis to spread out over us, sending me soft pulsing reminders of the woman in front of me. Her comfort was paramount and right now, everything about her was content. As if I needed that to sleep too, I curled my body around hers, nearly enveloping her between the blankets. And after dating a quick glance to my door across the sweet to confirm the soft red light above it, which meant it was locked, I released teh hold on my purr that I'd been holding.

The sound had an immediate effect on her, the little twitching motions in her hands and face quieted and she stilled, breathing softly.

"You are beautiful," I murmured against her hair, "I do not want to believe in fate, but if it was indeed a cosmic chance of fate that brought you here...then I can find no fault in it, little one. Dream sweet dreams, I will hold you until you wake."


I know, a double POV chapter, but I wanted to share both perspectives. 

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