Episode Twenty-Seven

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Did she know how close I was to sinking my fangs into her neck? It would be simple, her skin would break open for me, the tang of her blood would be on my tongue in an instant.

The bliss of my venom finally finding and invading my mate would be equally as pleasurable as any orgasm I could ever dream of. She would be mine. Forever.

And she was begging for it.

I laved my tongue over her flesh once more, feeling the soft pulses of her body as she came down from her peak. I could hear the blood still rushing right below my fangs. They itched and tingled as my venom flooded my mouth once more.

Fighting back every instinct, I shoved away from her. I must've made some kind of tortured noise, because Hillary moved with me, eyes wide as they met mine.

"I will not bite you, little one."

Hillary's lips quivered and I could see the shock flicker over her expression, just before something resolute settled into place. Her neck relaxed and her body sagged into the begging once more. The smell of her sex surrounded me on all sides and even though my cock still pulsed in my trousers, I was relieved I hadn't broken down completely.

I had to lead by example. Not instinct. I had done what I came here to do, I had given her the touches, the pleasure the bond had demanded of her. Now I needed to go, before even more of her emotions got tanged in mine.

I rose up on an elbow, then shuddered, a nearly painful stab in my chest making my breath come short. Shame. Was it shameful?

But I felt no shame, I had done exactly what I needed to. I repeated this back to myself as I let my eyes wander up and down her form once more. She was laying beside me, prone and boneless, save one of her hands which had come to rest on her bump once more. The hand that had just been buried in my stalis.

Was I...feeling her emotions?

Fuck. I released my tether on one stalis, allowing it to sweep forward, skimming the bare shoulder closest to us. It immediately relayed back to my mind a wide variety of emotions. Hillary was content, her body relaxed and humming with the bonds needed fulfilled, but deep inside the human part of her mind was wave after wave of shame and embarrassment.

My eyes closed and I blinked slowly, trying ot come up with a solution that wouldn't fuck us over as much as it already had.

"Hillary," I murmured. I got only the slightest movement of her head in response, "HIllary, tell me what's wrong?"

After no response, I took a gamble, "Do humans not take pleasure with each other in the same way we just had?"

Her entire body stiffened, "They might, but I don't."

I couldn't stop myself from tracing my claw down her forearm. As if suddenly aware she had no top on, Hillary moved, shifting a blanket from beside her to cover her breasts. More shame bloomed in my belly, and I recognized fit now for what it was. The bond was growing, even faster and stronger the Lylta had expected. And while I had no interest in becoming a mindless mated obsessive, the fact that I could read her emotions so much better now that I didn't have to rely on her pretty human face was a large incentive.

"Explain it to me." Crossing my ankles, I leaned back on the bed, giving her time to answer without my eyes watching.

"I've never been with anyone like that," she finally whispered, "We lived so far out, and it's not like I had time to go seek out a man whenever I got lonely."

Masculine pride bloomed in my hearts, pumping out across my body as my instincts roared their pleasure. She had never had another male. She had only felt me inside of her. Only came apart for me.

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