Episode Forty

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I could die now, my soul would pass happily into stardust knowing I had experienced everything my dirty, degraded self could ask for.

My mate, she had to be, there was no other reason my entire being would be vibrating with this need to drive myself deeper into her, not just to cure overwhelming desire and arousal, but because we were always meant to be like this, buried within each other so far that there was only us.

My stalis, placidly laid over my shoulder as I inched my lips up and down the quivering inner thighs of my surrogate. Either they'd finally agreed to leave HIllary alone, or because somehow subconsciously I knew that touching her with them, feeling the way that her body was still recovering from the peak that I'd brought her too would easily throw me into my own bliss. And while I was tempted, I wanted to wait.

I wanted to be inside of her. Perhaps it was the primitive side of me that was currently ruling over all of me, but I didn't just want it. I needed it. When I came next, I would be inside with my mate. The venom in my seed wouldn't be enough to complete the mating bond, but it would be enough to share a level of pleasure together that only mates could share.

I wanted her to be writhing under me.

I wanted her to beg for the pleasure, then beg for it to be over.

I smiled into her flesh. Her scent deepened again as one of her hands stole down to brush over my head. "Salex?"

"Yes, little one." My lips paused and I raised my chin enough to see her around the smooth globe of her belly.

Hillary's pretty, human face was slightly flushed, the high, prominent bones across her cheeks were pinked. I took that as a sign of good feelings; she'd appeared that way after the last time I'd pleasured her too.

I grinned at her. I wanted her cheeks permanently stained this color, with evidence of my success as her mate.

"What are you doing?"

I hummed, rising up on my elbows. "I told you, this was only the beginning."

Hillary's eyes flickered, "I've only been with human men, I'm not..." Her blunt white teeth sunk into the softness of her bottom lip. My cock thickened even further, aching as I leaned over her body.

"I am no human male," I offered softly, my voice a low rumble between us. I could see the sharp outline of her nipples through her shirt and the thought of those peaks in my mouth was nearly enough to send me seed streaming over my sweet little mate's body.

But not yet.

"I know..."

"You know, but you don't really understand," I reared back, furthering myself from her body as I settled back on my heels. "One bite from me and you will be mine forever, no other would touch you, the thoughts we share, the feelings only we feel, the pleasure we enjoy...it would be doubled and shared between us."

I can feel Hillary's thighs twitch under my palm. "I'm not sure."

My bonnie brown rose and I leveled her with a stare. Her jaw snapped shut and a ghost of a smile settled on her face. "You don't need to be sure yet, little mate. I will make sure you have no doubts. But until then I will refrain from the mating bite."

HIllary's body relaxed and while a small part of me wished I had her begging for my bite, I was also relieved this wasn't going to be made in a rush. This bond, this relationship would restructure the future of my species.

She had to be sure that was something she was ready to take on.

I needed to be ready for the onslaught of chaos that would follow.

And while I wanted it. The real life implications were far, far more serious than the waves of pleasure still simmering over my mates body. I smiled down at her. "I'm glad we are in agreement."

Hillary's expression was confused too, perhaps fielding the same range of emotions there that I had just experienced. But at my words, she seemed to settle, waiting patiently against me.

"So what happens now?"

I chuckled, one hand winding low until I could ghost my fingers over the slick, hot lines of her pussy. "Whatever you want. My venom is in my fangs, my seed, even the trace amounts left in my stalis. But only the heavy biting dose would alter our future."

Hillary sat up a little, her face shocked. "Your–your seed?"

I leaned in, circling her clit with my tongue. "It is designed to elongate pleasure, to make the female more susceptible for breeding."

"But I'm already pregnant...And I–." She broke off as I circled her clit once more, the sweet tang of her on my tongue.

"Then I guess you simply have the chance to enjoy the effects," I hummed against her.

Hlilary's chest was heaving, her body tense as my hand wandered up her body. "What do you say?"

Silence fell, one heartbeat, a double, then another. I waited.

"Yes, Salex, yes."

I grinned, forcing myself away from the sweetness of her body. "Sit up, love, and let me see my mate."


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