Episode Nine

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Two hours.

Two fucking hours and I was ready to claw my way through the ship's hull to see what she might be doing in Ghantlan's rooms.

The young warrior was a favorite, and I knew I could trust him, but logic had gone out the porthole a few moments after I had left my pregnant, delicate surrogate in the hands of my assistant.

I growled low and rough, pacing back across my office as I stared at the ever growing number of tasks I was ignoring in lieu of this..this panicked state that I had fallen into.

Adra wandered in, his tall body filling the doorway easily as he watched me pace. This was the third time he'd been by since we left Ghantlan's chamber.


Adra shrugged, "I thought you might be like this."

I grunted, continuing to pace, "Like what?"

My friend chuckled, then straightened, stretching his arms above his shoulders in a dramatic fashion. "With a little tension to work off."

"Tension?" The word caused me to slow, but only for a breath, "I'm fine, Adra, get back to your station."

"The second shift is already installed for the remainder of the day, Salex. Take a breath," Adra smiled, white fangs shining, "Come fight with me."

That made me stop, "Fight with you?"

"I had anticipated this might be your reaction to Hillary waking up."

"Don't call her that," my temper flared, making my skin burn hot.

Adra blinked, "her name?"

"She's mine," I quickly corrected, "She's my surrogate, you can refer to her as such."

"Ah," Adra nodded, "trying to keep distance. Probably a good idea."

My teeth threatened to break off as I ground them in his direction, "What's your point, lieutenant?"

A slow, dragging smile, "Just that you have some tension to work out and I have just the person you might want to meet in the fighting pits."

My attention peaked, "Who?"


My chest rattled in warning. "Lead the way."



Almost time for a reunion.....;)

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