Episode Twenty-Six

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"Tell me what you need," Salex'es deep voice rumbled across my neck as he leaned in over me. I was used to the size of the Trenzian's now, but there was something very different lying here with Salex behind. Maybe it was the bunk bed set up, perhaps it was Ghantlan's room, but I'm not sure I'd ever felt as sheltered and safe as I did with Salex draped around me.

My chest hummed happily at his proximity and as if on cue, the baby, which had been happily bubbling around today, had seemed to fall straight to sleep. The peace that slipped over me was such a sharp contrast to the driving need that throbbed between my legs.

But then, it made sense.

I was safe here.

Safe to be held, safe to relax and let myself be cared for. Not to mention the absolutely perfect way that he gently held and massaged my breasts. They ached some days, but under his palms they were tingling for a whole other reason.

All of this to say that when his question settled across my mind, there was only one thing I wanted to do. And I did it. Because of this feeling, it might be temporary, but it was powerful and I wanted to savor it.

My fingers intertwined with his, guiding him from where he cupped my breasts, to my belly, over the swell of his youngling, our youngling, and then after a short, ragged intake of breath, I slipped our combined hands under the waistband of the soft billowing pants I'd taken to wearing around the ship.

Salex's gasp was enough to send fire down my spine. My fingers released him and for a moment I thought he might pull away. That worry was immediately squashed as a hot kiss was pressed against my shoulder, his shoulder dropping to enable his hand to move further between my legs. I parted them, groaning out loud as his thick fingers immediately moved to trace the seam of my body.

"Hmm," his rumbling approval made me bite back another groan, "All of this is for me?" He clucked his tongue a little, "Such a needy, slick little pussy."

"Oh God," I whimpered, shifting my ass back into his hands, "Salex, oh my God." His fingers moved again, one thick digit pressing a little deeper, spreading my sex wider so he could sample more of my slick. My hips buckled and his finger slid deeper making me cry out once more.

"Yes, little one, do you need to come?" His tongue traced the line of my neck, and somewhere in the back of my mind I registered how long of a tongue he must have to accomplish all of this. But that thought only lasted a moment as I began to nod frantically. Yes, that's what I wanted. That's whatI needed. Sweet, brilliant release. I wanted him to give it to me.

"Yes, I want to come."

"Good, smart little human, telling her mate what she needs," Salex said in his low voice, "I hope you remember this, because it's my job to take care of you." He pumped his fingers into me, making me moan, my legs thrashing on the sheet, "That means every part of you."

Another finger moved joined his other, spreading and stretching me as he continued to pump, the slick sounds of my sex against his hand filling my ears. "But I think this part of you most of all." His tongue did another swipe over my neck, and I could feel my muscles locking up, "I'm going to spoil this pussy with my fingers, and my tongue and...if you're good...my cock."

I cried out, my hips working against his hand, "Salex, yes!"

"Be a good girl," he growled, his hand smacking against my clit with each plunge of his fingers, "And come for me."

I was helpless to resist his words, his hand, the heat and strength of his body as it worked against mine. I let out a shout, my head falling back into his body as every muscle quivered and shook, my release flying through my body, sending sparks of pleasure to each and every cell.

My hand went into his stalis and for a moment, I felt something deeper between us, beyond that fledging bond that his baby had incidentally formed. I knew Salex could feel it too, because his mouth suddenly sealed over my pulse, the hot slide of his tongue only furthering my orgasm as it continued to rage.

"Bite me," I whispered, the words wholly unfamiliar and exactly what I wanted beyond all else. I wanted my mates teeth in my neck, his venom in my veins, his stalis wrapped around my fists. Finally, owning every part of me in a way no one else ever could. The ripples of pleasure began to slow, but my words couldn't. "Please, bite me."

Salex's growl was muffled against my neck as his fingers began to slow, gently playing with my clit as he drug the last dredges of pleasure from my body.

My hands flew back, searching for him. "I need you to bite me, Salex, I need it so much."

He cursed, yanking his mouth away from my neck and for one long moment our eyes met.


Will he or won't he? Ah! Stay tuned!

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