Episode Thirty-Two

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"Will you come with me?" Adra's deep purple skin is lighter than usual, the tension in his shoulders a clear indicator of the lieutenants anxiety about this day. But then, I'd been the same way when they woke up Hillary.

And Adra had been there for me.

"Of course, my friend," I reached out, across our bodies to grip just above his wrist. His own hand closed on me and I felt the gentle pulse of his blood against mine. In all my life, I would never find another friend like him. It was an honor and a blessing to stand beside him during this moment of vulnerability.

Adra's face split into a grin, erasing the tension that had been so present these past few days. "Let's go wake her up then."

Together we walked down the ship hallways. I could see the looks from the crew that passed us. Based on the ship gossip I knew that most would already know what was happening for Adra today. Or perhaps they were staring at me. Hillary hadn't exactly been subtle about her arrival here, and she commonly moved around the ship. From what I had seen, she was friendly, outgoing and eager to get to know the crew. Their response to her had been a little less friendly, but that was likely my fault. In a territorial fit the other day I had sent out a ship-wide correspondence about everyone having proper respect for our human guests. And that there would be more on board soon.

We stopped at the medical bay and stepped inside, finding the lights were dimmed once more and I was immediately thrown back into memories for a few weeks before when Hillary woke up from her hypersleep and changed everything.

Lylta turned to them, a bland expression on his face as he looked over a series of files on his tablet. Catherine, however, marched straight up to Adra, patting his forearm with a familiarity that I was almost jealous of. Like me, Adra had a Volun mother, but for the majority of us on this ship, we had sorely missed out on any kind of maternal attention. And while Catherine was professional and capable, she also exuded that energy we had all missed out on.

"Are you ready, Lieutenant?" She asked Adra, eyes sparkling up at him.

Adra nodded, his smile looking stiff as his eyes rose to the room just beyond.

"I'll be right here," I said, crossing my arms and bracing my feet across the path. If this woman made a run for it like Hillary had, I would be there to hold her until Adra could contain her.

Adra followed Catherine into the hypersleep space once more. Lylta bringing up the rear, "We've already begun the process, based on what we experienced with Commander Salex's female, we've altered the medication slightly. Hopefully it is less abrasive to their systems."

I grunted, still frustrated at them using my female as an experiment. But this wasn't the moment to deal with that. This was Adra's moment. And I wouldn't let anyone, even myself, ruin it.


TAWS (The Alien Warrior's Surrogate) episode 2 takes place directly following this! You can find it here: https://www.wattpad.com/1369909571-the-alien-warrior%27s-surrogate-episode-two


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