Episode Seven

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The medic, whomever he was, went very very pale. Impressive for a male who was a deep shade of purple. But even then, I could see the fear in his eyes, the submissiveness as the alien who held me loomed over him.

"Commander," the medic said, nerves evident in every syllable of the word. "We need to examine her. There are additional tests to be run."

Against my side, the alien, my alien I guess, rumbled. It was a combination between a purr and a growl, but instead of making me nervous the rattling sounds only soothed my frayed emotions. My fingers tightened over the belly. I was still having a hard time understanding. A baby, a Trenizan baby, is still inside of me. This wasn't supposed to happen. They had promised that it wouldn't. But now, anxiety rose in my throat, making me turn into his chest again. He smelled so good, like the bright red candies my grandmother always made around the New Year. Taking a deep breath, I soaked in the scent of him, praying that I might somehow just wake up and none of this madness would be happening.

The alien was speaking against, with my face pressed tight against him, for the first time I realized we must not speak the same language. The rhythm and sounds of his chest were different from the words that trickled into my mind.

My translator. Fuck, how had I forgotten about that. No wonder I could understand him. At least that was one mystery done. I mumbled a little, trying to come up with something to say. To decide who might be the best to answer my questions. Namely, why was I awake? I'd already seen my fellow surrogates still hooked up and blissfully unaware of whatever this was.

My head throbs and I attempt to pull myself back into the conversation going on around me, I lean away to fix my eyes to his golden ones. I needed to see them, and was driven by some instinctual need that I refused to address right now.

"--until she's completely woken up and in a state that is conducive to your tests."

The medic shifted, his assistant, the human female reached for his arm, even as the male continued to push. "Commander Salex..."

"Do not question me, medic, unless you want to end up very, very far from home with nothing but yourself for company."

The big male against rumbled against me, and I clamped my eyes shut. Focusing on my breathing I ignored the tense words, the way that his feet carried me forward, away from my pod, away from the promise I'd been given. Away from the future I thought I'd have.

So I did the only thing I could think of, I curled closer, pressing my new future against the chest of the strongest male I'd ever encountered. Even when another door opened, air buffeted over my form.

The smell was different here, another male, a different scent. I squirmed in his arms, suddenly feeling that lurking panic rise in my chest once again. They were going to take me away from him. And no matter what came next.

It felt a lot like he was my future now.



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