Episode 53

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"Bite me Salex. Make sure everyone knows who belongs to who here."

My throat was tight, dry, watching my mates solemn expression as he stared down at me. The hand that he'd laid on my belly was still now, and I knew that his mind was wildly trying to figure out what to say.

Or do.

I decided to help him out. Arching my body, I pressed close to him. My free hand traced over the skin at my pulse. Salex shuddered, actually shuddered against me.

"I do not want to hurt you."

I smiled at him, warmth and love blooming in my chest as my hand continued down my body to where it found his hand. "I know you won't."

His throat bobbed, golden eyes leaping to the numbers on the wall. "I dont know how long we have."

I'd been told, or rather warned, that after a bite, a mated pair can be absolutely ravenous for each other. Something about the venom being designed to be sure that there was at least the possibility of the female ending up pregnant after.

"Maybe it won't be so intense, since I'm already pregnant."

Salex's eyes slid closed, his chest was heaving as he considered my words. "We shouldn't."

"We should." Instead of pulling his hand up, like I knew he was expecting, my fingers tangled with his and dragged them lower. I knew the moment he understood. His fingers tightened on mine, the heat of my body stealing across both of us.

"Are you sure? This is not...something that can be undone."

"You're mine," I answered, gasping as his fingers released mine and slid down the soft cleft of my skin. "And I'm yours."

Salex's face darkened, "Mine." His hand worked against me, his fingers tracing the seam of me, teasing my clit before dragging lower again. I wriggled, frustrated, and attempted to urge him lower, to move in. But instead his hand snapped away, grabbing my interfering digit and pressing into the softness of our nested bedding.

"Mine to do with as I please," Salex mumbled, moving so that he was between my legs. "And what I want to do is please you, mate, and then, once your legs are done shaking, I will sink into you in every way, claiming you as mine in the Trenzian way."

I nodded, knowing my voice wouldn't work at this point. I merely arched my hips a little, desperate for him to start. To do something.

A breath later, my mate's broad shoulders swept low, pressing my thighs wide until they rested over each of his biceps. I moaned at the cool air that swept over the part of me that was already slick.

"Salex–oh fuck," my head tossed against the bedding as his nose pressed close, breathing me in. His stalis brushed over my thighs, my skin, everywhere, and I knew he was categorizing all of me. Something about it reminded me of just how much of a predator he really was. And I reveled in that, my need bracketing higher by the second.

Salex retreated only a breath before his claws settled on my hips, holding me tight in place. The deliciously hot touch of his tongue against my clit nearly sent me to heaven right there. My body bowed, my muscles spasming as he curled and caressed that spot, again and again.

"Salex," I whimpered, feeling so empty, so desperate for what I knew he could give me.

"Quiet, mate," Salex murmured, licking into me hard, "I will always give you want you want....but in my own time."

My belly shook a little as he plunged deep, that thick, overlong tongue of his driving the remaining sanity straight from my head. "I'm afraid I want you to much," Salex said, his voice shaking, "I need to make sure you are adequately prepared to take all of me, and hard. I don't think I will be able to hold back this time."

And at that he settled low, the thick plane of his tongue slipping up and down my cunt, ending with a deliberate circle of my clit before repeating. Over and over, I could feel the sweat breath out along his shoulders as he devoured me, a deep rumbling purr slipping out of his chest with every pass.

"Fuck, mate, I cannot get enough," Salex moaned into my inner thigh. Against my legs I could feel him grinding into the bedding, suffering that same driving need that I felt too. "Come for me now, let me taste you on my tongue so that I can enjoy while my cock splits into you."

Adjusting, one of his thick fingers found my clit, stroking it firmly as his tongue slid low again, pressing deep and curling. I saw stars, my vision blurring as my every muscle quivered and tightened and for a glorious moment, I felt everything and nothing, my pleasure just hovering on the edge.

And then he purred again, this time the sound traveling up his tongue and straight into my pussy. Every part of me shattered, dragging my mind and body straight into bliss. I knew I was chanting his name, my hands in his stalis as he continued to feast on me, driving into me with softer and softer presses. He was desperate to drag every ounce of pleasure from me and I was helpless to stop him.

Finally, the spasms slowed, leaving me wide legged and panting as Salex reared up, kissing his way over my belly and up to my breasts. There he waited, his tongue a gentle lave against my nipples.

When our eyes met, his lips curled, "Are you ready for more, little one?"

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