Episode 43

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I nuzzled into the back of Hillary's hair, savoring the sweetness of her scent, so heavily mixed with mine. That's because, I thought smugly, she was mine now too. Maybe I hadn't bitten her, but the bond in my chest blazed in my chest, getting stronger and stronger with every second that my body remained locked within hers.

A frown tugged at my lips, disappointment already lurking at the idea that soon we would be disconnected again. I leaned over her, watching the soft rise and fall of her incredible breasts as she dozed.

"Little mate," I murmured, soothing her, not attempting to wake her. She was tired, the past few weeks had been hard and we were still facing many obstacles. The council would be arriving soon. They had to be. And while we desperately needed their assistance in fixing the ship, there was more coming that I didn't welcome at all.

And that was mostly due to the sweet human lying next to me.

They would never let us remain this way, intertwined on a military vessel. I had thrown caution to the wind, obsessed with making her mine, without a plan for what to do after. But I knew this much, so we couldn't stay here. The council had spent several generations and more credits than I could imagine building us into machines, warriors, and nothing else. The idea that each of my men by now knew that not only did the bond between mates still exist, but that their own alpha commander had fallen victim to it.

My cock twitched a little, still tucked in Hillary's gently pulsing heat. Pleasure raced up my spine as more venom tinted cum filled my mate, as if horrified by the idea that we might be separated, my knot was desperate to keep us locked together.

But my body would have to calm down. I needed a plan, to get us both safe, to find a place that we could be together as the bond was meant to be. My palm slid over the soft round curve of her belly. Where our youngling would have the chance to know a real family. Now that I knew this life, this reality was a possibility, I was obsessed with it.

A family.

What my father had wanted, but he'd not been able to provide for me. It didn't have to be one way, we could be warriors, but also live a life outside of schooling and training. If they didn't believe me, I would have to convince them. As soon as I was sure my family was safe.

Adra would help me. I knew that. I curled around HIllary, thinking of the others who had surrogates on this ship.

Other than Adra's, my chief engineer, Bayes had a surrogate on board, then Us'ia and Vinick. There were more, but they weren't assigned in this part of the wing, therefore I was not as familiar with them.

All fine warriors, if a little hot tempered at times. Hillary snuggled into me. But then, until a few weeks ago I would've classified myself among the most dangerous, ill-mannered of all of them.

And now I was here, dreaming about a new life with her and our younglings. This one and all the future ones I filled her belly with.

I needed to talk to the other Trenzian's with surrogates, get a feel for what they thought, I knew that not everyone of them would have a bond like Hillary and myself, but it was possible. The surrogacy system was broad, and while I'd hated him for it at the time, Adra had had a point. What had drawn us to these humans.

It was something, some recognition of our fate being drawn into theirs. And it was worth protecting.

I reclined beside Hillary for a bit longer before my knot finally receded long enough that I could slip free of my sleeping mate. Staring down at her, I promised I would be back as quickly as possible, then covered her with a blanket to make up for my lack of warmth. After leaving a note on Hillary's comm I left my room and headed towards Ghantlan's quarters.

Rapping on his door, I barely acknowledged the fact that a half dozen warriors were scattered in the hall, loitering around as they eyed me.

I knew they were hoping for guidance, or even a hint of what might be happening. We were at nearly critical levels of power, and while I knew what the plan was, I wasn't in a position to announce it publically. Especially on a ship such as this, It was too large for information to be traded equally. Besies, this is why I was who I was, I was equipped to make this call and while I knew there would be men who were frustrated with me. I was willing to do that.

They were worth it.

Ghantlan opened the door, his eyes immediately finding his nearby crewmates before gesturing for me to come in. A short time ago I would've scoffed at his invitation, then insisted on meeting in one of our conversation pods or back in my office, but I don't care anymore.

"Alpha Commander," Ghantlan's face is confused, worried. I stepped into the small quarters, moving to lean against a wall by the desk. "Is everything alright?"

I gave him a hard look and he amended his question, "I meant is anything new I should prepare for."

"Not exactly. In fact, that's why I'm here. Today we are waking the remaining surrogates."

Ghantlan's breath drew in sharply, but he remained silent. "That means there will be a dozen woman, most of them pregnant, awake and on board this ship in less than one rotation."

"What can I do to help?"

"I need to gather their matches, the Trenzian males they are contracted to."

Ghantlan's head cocked, "Because..."

"Because when the council gets here, they know what happened to me. They will be...uninterested in allowing more males to bond. Especially among our crew. More of us who are going rogue will spark too much attention. If you know what I mean."

"You think they will hurt the women."

"From what I can tell, our people's number one problem solving solution is to remove the problem altogether."

"I understand. What can I do?"

"Gather the Trenzian's together. I have an idea, but it might affect their youngins and potential mates. They should have a chance to hear it first."

Ghantlan nodded again. "Commander, I have to ask..."

HIs cheeks were a deep purple right now, but he kept going. "After living with Hillary, after seeing you together, I have to know, are all the surrogates here already bound to Trenzian's?"

I considered him, choosing my words carefully. "I believe that all the surrogates on board are contracted to warriors on board. But Lytla would know best. And if you're concerned or interested in any of them, there's nothing wrong with that. Just, as a bonded male, or nearly bonded, be very careful how you act around the humans."

Ghantlan's face cleared a grin pulled at his lips, "Having some possession issues there, Commander?"

I grunted, but inside I preened. I had every reason to be possessive. In my chambers there was a sweet mate waiting for me, and our future growing in her womb.

I was a lucky bastard.

I straightened, "Keep this all between us for now, but I expect you to be in attendance tonight, Ghantlan."

"Thank you, Commander."

I stepped out of Ghantlan's room and headed back towards my own. I had a mate that needed spoiling, and we were on borrowed time already. Deep in my chest, something ached, below the bond. Fear, I realized, once such a foreign emotion, it now filled me with the thoughts that we stood on the precipice of either a blood-thirsty council arriving with the intention of taking my family away, or the idea of wasting away in a dying ship.

I could only hope that the council coveted the vast numbers of Trenzian warriors on board more than they hated what I had found.


Next chapters will be a brief crossover taken from The Alien Warrior' s Surrogate, then pick back up with Salex and Hillary again. 

What do you think will happen when the council arrives??

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