Episode 44

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I woke up more comfortable and relaxed than I had in ages. Rubbing a hand over my face, I reached back with my foot, hoping to encounter one large purple male. But instead, I found only soft, cool sheets.

My mouth twisted in disappointment, but I rose to an elbow and collected my comm. Pressing it to my skin to release the locks on my messages, I was immediately greeted by Salex's voice.

'It physically pained me to leave you, but I had to ask Ghantlan for assistance with the other surrogates. I will be back to collect you for mealtime. Please rest, for the youngling. I will see you soon, little mate.'

I melted back into the sheets, the buzzing in my chest for once not a desperate throb to calm, but more of a contented memory. I was at ease here, and closing my eyes I let myself drift off one more time.

For the youngling I promised, as blackness greeted me.

Next time when I woke up, Salex's face was inches from mine. Seeing I was awake, he lowered his head, humming and brushed a series of kisses down my neck.

I looped my hands over his shoulders, feeling the broad expanse of his muscles move under his uniform.


"Yes," his voice was dark and low.

"Why do you change clothes before battle?"

Salex, who was halfway down my body, paused, his hot breath on my belly alerting me to his humor. "Who told you that?"

"I've seen it, pictures and videos. You're always dressed like barbarians or something."

Salex pushed up on his knees, giving me an incredulous look. "Here I am, hoping to wake my mate up with my tongue, and she's completely uninterested."

My hand moves down, around my belly to press against my bare skin. "Not uninterested. Perhaps I'd like to see my mate leather?"

Salex shivered and I could see the heavy bulge where his pants hung on his hips. He dropped back over me, hands on either side and continued exploring, separating every few words with a kiss. "It is tradition, our flesh is natural armor, our fluid natural venom."

I moaned as his breathing quickened, one razor sharp claw teasing my pussy. "But your venom won't hurt me."

The tip of his tongue moved over my clit, teasing me. "Never. It will inflame you, make you ravenous for me. But it will not hurt you."

"Okay," I whimpered when his claw dragged over me again. "I get it."

"Good, can I taste you now, mate?"

My head lolled back, "Yes, please."

Salex dropped low, his own hips working against the piles of blankets and pillows as his tongue traced the line of my slit, then stiffening, plunged deep.

"Oh God, oh God," I shouted, my legs falling open wide as Salex growled, licking and sucking as my entire body coiled in on itself. It was too easy, too much pleasure as my body tightened.

"Mmm," Salex murmured, his mouth falling away for a moment, "I can taste my seed on your pussy, little one. It makes your mate happy to know you're so thoroughly fucked."

"Salex," I moaned, my legs shaking as he dove back in, his tongue tasting everything. "I want to feel you."

Salex shook his head, stalis loose and wild around his head as he continued to devour me.

"Please," I finally begged, so close I could taste it. But I wanted him with me, I wanted so badly to feel that thick heat plunging deep and releasing. I needed it. "I need you."

"Fuck," Salex sat up, his claws slashing his pants open, letting his heavy, dripping cock free. "Yes, mate, take it." I arched up as his hand guided that thick head, and a moment later he was inside, his hips working the length in as his hand slipped between to swirl around my clit.

Too much, I whimpered, wanting to drag him close, wanting to feel the sharp bite of his teeth on my neck. The hot pulse of his knot in my pussy.

Salex looked down, golden eyes nearly black. Then with that incredibly long tongue of his he ducked his head, spitting on where our bodies met. With a snarl, his head fell back and I felt more of his venom entering my system.

"Little mate, squeeze it from me."

But I couldn't obey, I couldn't do anything but let the waves of pleasure wash over me, again and again, crying out as Salex rutted into me, a hand between our bodies, his venom awash in my system once more.

When my mind finally cleared, he was laying under me, his arms wrapped around while he stroked my arm.

"Hi," I said, loving the expression on his face when he turned to me.


"I-uh-." My words were cut off in an instant as my belly growled loudly, the youngling within bouncing eagerly against my ribs. Salex's hand chased the movement, his expression of awe taking my breath away. But as soon as the baby stilled once more, Salex was moving, guiding me up and onto wobbly feet.

"I need to feed you."

"I'm fine."

"You are, but you require food. Now."

I giggled as Salex picked up a pair of pants and approached as if to put them on me. "Calm down, I'll get it. I just need to clean up."

My mate growled, the sound echoing in the tiny room. Hairs rose along my arm as I turned to him. "What's wrong?"

Salex moved to my side, one hand going to the nape of my neck as he leaned into the side of my throat, huffing softly. "Leave my cum where it belongs, little mate. Otherwise I'll be forced to destroy any male that looks at you."

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