Episode Forty-Two

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As if he'd heard my words, Salex flexed his body, sinking a few inches into my body, the thickness of his cock stealing my breath as I arched up, my hands finding his shoulders and holding on tightly.

Cursing, Salex slowed, his head ducking and I knew without checking that he was looking between our bodies, no doubt at the place where he had split into me.

"Are you alright?" Salex's voice was a dark rasp.

I nodded, trying to relax a little, to urge my body to accept more of him. I needed all of him. The humming in my chest, the pleasure that coarse through my veins begged for it, for him. I moaned softly as he pulled away, then rocked forward, pushing deeper.

"Fuck," he grunted, his massive torso flexing and tensing over me, "So tight little one, I'm not sure that I'm going to fit."

I whined then, arching my hips up to him. "I can, I can. Just–oh my God–" My eyes nearly rolled back in my head as another orgasm slipped over me, making my body tighten and clench over him. "Salex, what's happening?" My eyes shuttered closed and I sagged into the bed under him, feeling more of that thick, powerful shaft pushing deep.

A soft, hot tongue ran over my neck, before lips sealed there, tasting and sucking on my sensitive skin as I twitched under him. "My cum," he murmured, pleasure making his voice low and rumbling. "It is designed to help ease the way."

"Ease the way?"

His teeth nipped against me, not enough to send his venom into my blood like I wished, but close enough that my pussy clenched against, arousal slowly reappearing low in my belly. "A well pleasured mate is easier to mount, to fuck," his tongue soothed the not-quite-bite, "To breed."

"Oh fuck," My hands flew to his shoulders as his cock sank into me completely, our flesh pressing together in a slick slap that left me whining for more.

"Hmmm," Salex murmured against my throat, "Do you like hearing that little mate? That this male, your mate, will be the only one capable of making you feel this way? That only his cum will fill your pussy, make your belly swell with my younglings."

I dropped my hips wide, begging silently for more, for his words, for his cum. I wanted all of him

"Now, you're ready, aren't you? Ready to be bred," Salex said, shifting back, careful to avoid my belly as he planted his hands on my hips, guiding me back down over his cock. My entire body was vibrating as he began to thrust against me, the motions careful and measured.

It wasn't enough now, my entire body consumed with all of him.

"More, please."

Salex moaned, his hand brushing over my belly for a moment until he rocked back, thrusting hard now, my body shaking with the need to come. How was I so close already? "Fuck, you're little body is milking it out of me. You want it so bad, beautiful mate, you're dragging my cum right out of my cock." He was scolding me almost, but I didn't care, now as I rolled myself up against him, desperation tinted my voice as I begged and moaned, my body nearly weightless in his arms.

"Yes, yes, mate, yes," I chanted, feeling a small rush of heat deep inside, just before an orgasm tore through me once more.

"There, little one, I'll give you what you need."

I'm panting now, my arms falling to the side as his powerful hands are turning me over, gently guiding me to my hands and knees. Salex trailed soft kisses down my body, his cockhead still inside of me as he makes soothing noises and murmurs against my skin.

"You're doing so good, my cock loves this sweet mate's dripping pussy. But now I need to finish, to sink my knot in and flood you with my come." His hand stroked over my hip. "You're going to come so hard little one, but don't worry, I'll hold you."

I'm moaning again, my body somehow still hungry for him as I folded my arms, getting comfortable as I can with Salex's claws on my hips.

As if he can feel my need rising against, Salex groaned, "Perfect mate, I know, I want you badly too."

And then he sheaths himself deep inside, every thick, throbbing inch of him buried inside. This time he's not slow or sweet or careful. He's a male on a mission, his thighs slapping mine with every one of his thrusts, and I can feel his heavy balls swinging against me. The idea that he's going to flood me, to fill me until I'm overfull, then knot me to keep it all inside.

I never thought I'd have a breeding kink, but here we are.

His movements were growing frantic, his body tightening behind me. And when I look back, I can see the strain on his face. Seeing me, he softens his expression. "I'm trying to be gentle, my knot, it's ready for you."

I quivered under him, feeling the pressure of that knot suddenly pressing against my pussy. Salex slowed for a moment, his hand going low and massaging my clip for a moment. I can feel more of what I know is his precum dripping into me now, making me whine with need and push back against that knot.

After a short breath of surprise, Salex's hands find my hips and with a broken sound, he fucks his knot into me. Locking us together.

Pleasure, pressure and need war inside my mind as Salex's hips flex and release, his cock making me stretch once more as my entire focus doubles down on the immense shaft of my mate.

It was so good. My mind consumed with him.

I was fucked.

I was knotted.

I wanted to be bred.

"Salex," I murmured, rocking against him, surprised by the tug of the knot. His eyes snapped open, dark gold and wild. He reached forward, stroking a hand down my spine.

"So beautiful on my knot, I never thought I would be able to...but now, fuck. I'm going to be knotting this pretty pussy allthe time." His hips moved, grinding us together. "Going to cover you in my cum, so no one ever has a doubt whose mate you are, whose yougngling you carry. Only mine, Hillary."

"Only ours."

Salex's grinding motion stopped, his weight covering me as he thrust against me, the movements small but enough to set off fireworks in my belly and groin.

"Get ready, take it all, little one."

And then I feel him, the drowning pleasure of it, his pleasure nearly bursting out of where the bond lies in my chest and the cresting, throbbing feeling of jet after jet of his cum filling my pussy, driving deep inside.

After a few moments, the orgasm began anew, the venom in his cum making my body liquid as wave after wave of pleasure slipped over me.

And by the time Salex tugged me over to my side, his body a now-necessary comfort, I whimper at the feeling of his cock still lodged deep inside of me.

"Sleep, little mate," he said, his voice still tight as another small wave of heat fills my pussy. "You did so well."

Authors note: 

Whew. And that's before the mating bite? 

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