Episode Twenty-Four

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His hand was scalding against my face, the gold of his eyes close enough that I could see the lighter flecks of yellow making them seem to glow as we breathed each other in. He smelled so good, the scent of him filling my body, lighting up each and every nerve as it moved through to settle deep, deep in my belly.

"Let me give you what you need?"

Need? What I needed was him to crush me against him, to feel the hard press of his larger body against mine. To feel the depth of his strength as it calmed and soothed my own. What I could only assume was the bond rose in my chest, making my body ache with more of that need. Until my mind was fogged and my hands had reached up blindly, finding purchase on his shoulders and then finally into his stalis.

Salex hissed, but the sound wasn't a bad one, it was more of a warming as the soft, textured skin of the stalis moved over my hands as I knitted my fingers together. They were alive, moving against me a little as the braid that I'd always been so curious about slowly unwind itself and spiraled out around us. Like roots seeking water, they wound their way over his shoulders and draped around my form.

I hummed at their pulsing warmth, the way they acted almost like additional fingers, skimming my loose shirt and pants as I was tucked every closer to Salex.

His chest was heaving now, his gold eyes frozen wide as he stared down at me. Worried, I pulled a hand around to brush fingers over the sharp, wide angle of his chin. "Salex? "

My words broke him from his reverie and a smirking smile pulled at the lips, and I stared at him, surprised suddenly by the very pale lilac of the inside of his mouth. It was...pretty, for lack of words. I didn't dare tell him that, but the idea only served to make me smile more. Because he was beautiful, in that strange, foreign way. All hard lines, thick muscular limbs and intelligent, bright eyes.

I could stare at him for hours if he'd let me. Perhaps it was just the bond, but it was powerful either way, this pulling desire to learn every little thing about him. I felt his stalis and his hands at my belly tighten. I tipped into him, my hand against tightening on his neck. The muscles there bunched and contracted as he dipped into me, hesitating just a fraction of air away from my lips.

"I am told that the human race exchanges affection with something called a kiss."

I nodded, barely moving. His breath brushes over my lips as his nose bumped mine. "Trenzian's do something similar, although from what I can tell, humans have a far more passionate response. I'm not sure why it would be so indicative of pleasure mates."

I swallowed, "Why don't you try it and find out?"

His chuckle rumbled where my chest was still pressed against him. "Is that consent, little one?"

Consent? Fuck what was the Trenzian version of a kiss? Maybe I didn't want him to kiss me? I mean, I'd volunteered to carry a baby and now look at me –half obsessed with a grumpy commanding alien whose very presence made my body clench.

"Yes," I said anyway, because my legs were tight, my belly warm and liquid as I stared up at him. "Just a kiss."

He leaned in.

"And a cuddle," I pulled an apologetic face, "Probably still need that to stem off the cravings."

"Cravings?" He was obviously curious but didn't pull away.

"It's what I've been calling those times when I really, really want to touch you."

"Cravings..." Salex tested the word, "It doesn't seem significant to measure the desire I feel. Perhaps we feel it differently as I am Trenzian."

"I don't know a better way to describe," my temper rose a little and I prepared to pull away from our not-kiss, "If you wanted to make fun of me then at the very least you could've kissed me fir–."

I don't finish my words. Or my thoughts. Because when Salex's mouth finally landed on mine I was lost to everything else.

Silky, hot lips that were firm and a little aggressive against my own tangled every one of my thoughts. I opened my mouth, kissing him back, rising up on my toes to have a better way to reach him. Because I wanted to chase this feeling, this phenomena of pleasure that every moment was with him kissing me.

Salex groaned, and my knees nearly buckled. At my back his stalis were nearly still, just a constant soft pressure at my back, keeping me secure against the harsh lines of his chest. My hand left the nape of his neck to trace down his chest. When it rested there, I could feel his heartbeats, or rather heartbeats since Trenzian's had two hearts. Smug enjoyment made me tug his bottom lip into my teeth for a breath.

He was just as transfixed by this kiss as I was. Salex weathered my love bite with a rumbling growl that I felt from my toes to my core and back again, before sliding a thick tongue into my mouth.

He tasted like heaven, sweet and drugging and like my own personal varietal of grapes. I wanted more, needed more. My leg itched to rise along his side, so that I could press my aching core against him.

Whimpering, my knee moved, and as if on exactly the same page, Salex moved as well, bowing down to grip my leg behind my knee and pull first that leg and then the other off the ground. The next thing I knew, I was wrapping my legs around his belly, feeling the heat of his skin right through our clothes.

Salex tore his mouth from mine, stepping forward into the room. I wrapped around him tighter, moaning softly as the movement of his legs made the heavy bulge just below me rock against my needy flesh.

"Hot, so hot," I whimpered, pressing my face into his throat as my hips worked against him a little.

"Easy, little one, I will help you."

I clamped my lips shut, choosing to press my mouth against his neck as I felt Salex sit down on the edge of my bed. My body folded a little, protesting, as he was forced to curl shorter to fit into the bottom bunk.

"Sorry for the bed," I whispered, embarrassment threatening to color my cheeks.

Salex grunted, his hands and stalis moving over me to press my body to the side of his, so that my head was resting on his shoulder, my leg thrown over his waist. The baby bump rested between us, pressing insistently. Salex stilled for a moment, his hand on the bend of my knee. Just when I started to get worried, his hand began to move again, his fingers caressing me through my clothing.

"You used my clothes."

Relief flooded me and I tucked in closer, feeling the trickling warmth of arousal still coating my body. "Yes, thank you. I love them."

Salex scoffed, but it was almost a laugh. "I'm happy to provide you with anything you need. You just have to let me know."

I had moved across his chest, tracing the uniform he wore today. "I didn't even know it was what I wanted. But now, now I do. I'll be better."

His hand stilled, "Good." Then slowly, he lifted up, his hands reaching to the silvery buttons of his double breasted top released each one. With a deep sigh, he slid the top awkwardly from his body, leaving what seemed like miles of purple skin available for my eyes...and my touch.

My mouth watered and my thighs clenched.

I wanted him and one look into those golden eyes and I knew he wanted me too.

I licked my lips. "What now?"


I know, I know, gotta drag it out a little. Just for fun. I know that most people expect their aliens to have special EQUIPMENT...but Salex really just has special capabilities....read on to find out!

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