Episode Ten

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I hummed quietly to myself, a soothing technique that I'd always used with my grandmother. She had been a lovely singer, and while I couldn't hold a candle to her talent, I felt that by humming along I was somehow accompanying her in the moment.

And now, alone and feeling completely abandoned I could use some good ole fashioned comfort.

I had scared Ghantlan away, he had stayed with me for the first hour or so, while I puttered around and riffled through the things that Commander Salex had had brought down for me. I'd snuck into the small dressing space to peel the bodysuit off, trading it for a pair of silky soft feeling pants and a tight top. I was still surprised by the swell just below my belly button, but I found that I didn't mind it as much as I did before.

It was probably due to all those feel-good pregnancy hormones that were coasting through my veins, but I would take it any way I could get it. A tablet had been included in my things, complete with a sort of ship communicator. Every soul on board was linked here, directed to their own tablet.

Ghantlan had stepped out into the hall after an hour or so and I couldn't stop myself from picking up the table and scrolling the index until I reached Commander Salex's profile. I was hit with a brace of memories of pulling up a similar profile during my time as a possible candidate. Salex had been the only Trenzian I'd really paid attention to. All the others played immediately. The moment I saw his picture, and spoke his name in the quiet of my earth bedroom, I knew he was the match for me.

Not unlike now, as I let my fingers wander across the ship's profile of him. He was alpha commander here, the top dog, and even for the small visual of him on the screen, I was captivated. Perhaps it was the deep gold of his eyes, or the stalis, which were lost in the picture here, swirling around his shoulders as if with a life of their own.

My hands twitched, the desire to touch him for real once again riding my brain hard. Forcing myself to continue, I pushed down lower, Salex was in his early thirties, young for a human, old for the warrior race. Only those who have fought many battles and won them all could hold the status that he did.

It meant he was very good at what he did.



Why didn't that bother me? Perhaps it was because I was immediately struck with the reality that with this baby in my belly I would forever be counted as one of the things he would place above all else.

And in his world, there was nothing but fighting....and this...youngling.

I pressed a hand against my belly. Trenzian babies always took after their fathers, and the odds of this baby being male were about 92% if I could remember correctly from the brochures. That would mean that most likely I was carrying the Commander's son.

As if this bit of knowledge was the final bit of a puzzle, I found myself standing once again. My legs grew more and more steady as I paced the small room. After a few laps around, my frustration grew as my confidence did.

I wrenched open the door, finding Ghantlan lurching to his feet. He'd been sitting on the floor, his back to the door. Shame, blended with pity whirled around my belly. This poor male, he'd really been assigned to keep me happy, and here I was about to beg for him to do even more.

"Ghantlan," I said, pulling my chin up high and forcing my voice to stay calm, "I have to get out of here."



Where do you think she is going? 

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