Episode Thirty

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"Your appointment with Lylta is in roughly one hour."

I stood, my knees pulling a little. I'd hit the mats hard this morning, fighting both Ghantlan and another first year crewmate in a row. There was tension to work out, and for the first time in the weeks since Hillary was woken up it wasn't just about her.

It was about Adra.

I knew how my best friend thought. And unlike me, he savored the idea of a fated mate. He wanted someone to commit to, someone to share everything with. He was open, kind, willing.

I was...grumpy, overcommitted and more than a little rigid, which was a real low point in my day, since I hadn't been able to stop thinking about Hillary and my conversation yesterday.

Today she would begin her supplements, made from my...DNA...in order to continue to thrive in her pregnancy with my youngling. And while I had said I wasn't interested in the 'old fashioned' way of getting my sample into her body, now I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Which was nothing new, I barely stopped thinking about her these days. Since the day she'd let me give her release, I'd been consumed with touching her again. And today was one of the days we were scheduled to spend time together, to cuddle, give her the skin-to-skin contact that the bond demanded in order to keep my youngling safe.

And if I was honest, to keep my sanity intact. Moving to the mirror at the side of my office, I adjusted the collar of my uniform ever so slightly. Adra hadn't been at the pits today for training. I wasn't sure where he was, but I had my ideas.

"Did you tell Hillary yet?"

Picking up my tablet off my desk one more time, "No, I'll see her right after. I didn't want her to worry over things quite yet."

"And when does the third woman wake?"

I sighed, "lyla thinks we should wait a few days in between."

"Which means you only have ot dodge Us'ia's assassination attempts for a few more days then."

The warrior had been furious when I'd told him that his surrogate and youngling were the next in line after Adra's. I'd half expected him to challenge me on the spot, but he'd remained silent, still, staring at me with fury in those eyes.

"How nice."

"Good luck today," Ghantlan said, moving back to the desk where he sat down.

Blinking, I walked towards Adra's quarters. I wanted to see my friend before his entire life changed.


This is a short one...BECAUSE...the chapter posted on Friday will be episode 1 of The Alien Warrior's Surrogate, Adra's story! 

The Alien Commander's Surrogate (or TACS) and The Alien Warrior's Surrogate (or TAWS) will align perfectly, the two couples going through different things, different love stories IN THE SAME TIMELINE. Each story will continue to be updated 2x a week until further notice, same schedule as before, M, W, F, weekend. Any notes or pieces of info that are needed to enjoy the stories one at a time will shared at the head of the episode. Thank you for your support! -G. Bee.

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