Episode Forty Seven

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Chapter 47


I fidgeted, uncharacteristic for me, as I stood overlooking the landing dock we'd prepared for the Trenzian council. Their ship was small, more of a cruiser and I immediately had worried that they hadn't brought enough people to fix the ship and interrogate me. But I was proven wrong when only a few members of the council, plus several uniformed engineers all strode down the exit and stood waiting for a greeting. I left the control center and moved down the steps, moving quickly but without haste.

Rushing, even in this situation, would only alert them further. Plus, any time that I could buy here would give Lylta and the other surrogate donors time to move the human woman to various rooms all over the ship. Most would be bunking with their donors, but some were forced to share a room with several Trenzians. I knew that they would be safe, I was far more worried about the Trenzian donors having a hard time with their pregnant surrogates being in such close quarters with other males.

I prayed to Sol that no fights broke out before I was able to contain the council to the bridge or their private rooms. And if all things went well, the engineers would be done in hours, the repairs taking effect and the council's need to be here would vanish.

As for what happened after all of this, I was still working out those details.

One step at a time, I had promised myself, letting my heart rate ease as I bowed low to the council.

"Welcome to the Losskee, honorable council," I said solemnly, slowly straightening. On one side, the males I had expected stood, ancient and stiff as they stared around me. But in the middle stood the last male i had expected to show up today.

"Prime," I bowed low once again, unaware of the royal blood that had been riding with the council. "We are honored to host you."

The Prime, was a term for each member of the Trenzian royal family. While their influence over the past years had lagged alongside the current Lord's reign, the heirs of Trenzian were still not to br triffled with. This Prime, alongside his brothers, had been ruling at their father's behest for almost twenty years. He was the youngest, I believed, but known to be cutthroat and a little feral.

Or perhaps that was because his blood, alongside the other Prime's was the closest Trenzian's could get to a trueblood now. Their mother had been a donor from hundreds of years ago, eggs carefully maintained and shared with only the few elite who were allowed.

He stepped forward, a smirk on his lisp as he regarded me. "Commander Salex, a pleasure to be here." HE looked around the dock area, sharp black eyes, something the truebloods only carried, wary. "Now, where is your little human mate? I'm dying to meet her."

My fists curled but I managed to keep my face passive as I looked at him. It was clear that they knew everything. Note that I was surprised, between my messages and a myriad of spies that I'd always assumed lurked on board, they had all the information needed to draw a conclusion.

But that was the councils choice. THe Prime being here changed things.

"You must understand, I wanted to assess the situation before I introduced someone so important to my leadership."

The Prime stepped forward, a surprising smile on his lips. "I am Oren, of house Illusen, and you have my promise that your mate, or your youngling are safe as long as I am on board." He met my gaze boldly. "What you've discovered here, it could change the future of Trenzian's everywhere. She and your younglings will be protected." His fangs flashed, "After all, your union may very well bring down my father's great house. And I'm always looking for a way to piss off my sire."

The council members behind him shifted, their cream toned robes brushing against the metallic flooring. I ignored them, recognizing the fact that I might have a surprising ally in the young male in front of me. "You brought the supplies for the repairs?"

Oren nodded and a pair of unformed engineers stepped forward. "They are ready, when you are."

The message was clear. Show them my mate and then we could proceed. My muscles bunched, the bond in my chest wild and restless as it sensed both danger ahead of us and my mates stress from the control room above us.

Silently, I turned, walking back up the steps as Hillary greeted me on the small landing. Her green eyes were wide but calm as she stared down at them. Without a word, her slender fingers found mine and I led her down to the main level.

If Oren's black eyes, or the sight of the six council members concerned her, only I felt it. On the outside she was calm, beautiful, the hand not in mine, curved around the pretty swell of our youngling as we stopped before the newcovers. Her dress was something we had pulled together with the pleasure seekers last minute, loose and draping over the delicate shoulders, the heavy breasts.

She was stunning, enough to distract even me in this pivotal moment. I stepped to the side. "Allow me to present Hillary Holland, of Earth. My mate and carrier of my youngling."

Oren seemed shocked into silence, his eyes flying over her. "She's human."

"She is," Hillary answered, her tone sharp and clear. "And quite capable of answering for herself."

The Prime's face widened into a grin, "Oh you are perfect."

I growled, my instincts screaming for me to pounce on the Prime, then whisk Hillary away somewhere far, far more safe.

But not now.

The council member, Abi, stepped forward, his familiar face not calming me a bit. "We must talk, Commander Salex."

I nodded to him, and the other two that seemed to be stepping forward. I knew them only by name, Claru and Furo, both veterans of the Trenzian war empire. Furo had served with my father long, long ago. But in this situation I could count on no bias or preferential treatment.

Not until I was sure. My chest rumbled but I held my ground, swallowing them, holding an arm out. "Welcome aboard, shall we make our way to the bridge so that we can discuss the repairs."

All around, soft sounds of agreement. And I had stepped back, arm open to usher them when I heard Abi's whispered response to Furo.

"And the human women. We must discuss those most of all."

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