Episode Sixteen

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Just spit it out, I screamed internally. But the moment the Commander had entered Ghantlan's cramped chambers I was having a hard time focusing on what I'd planned on saying. Every part of me was begging him to take another step, then another, until we would be flush against each other. Better yet, maybe he'd pick me up and hold me again.

I'd been too out of sorts the last time that he held me to really enjoy it. I knew now that if he picked me up, I would enjoy it immensely.


My name startled me back to the moment and I noticed that the big alien had indeed come a closer.

"The longer I go without touching you, or being around you, the more my body seems to struggle." I put a hand on my belly. "I know that both of us are trying to keep this baby, this youngling, safe. So I'd like to propose a trade of sorts."

Salex's long, flexible looking head-tentacles wind over his shoulders towards me. My fingers twitched with the need to reach out. I wanted to know how they felt, would they be soft like the flesh of an Earth octopus, or more textured like a reptile. They were beautiful in their strangeness. I forced my hands to remain at my sides.

If he agreed to this trade, I might be able to get out of this mess without completely embarrassing myself. Stroking his, what were they called, stalis in the middle of the conversation would mean disaster any way I thought about it.

Salex took another step in my direction. "A trade?"

I swallowed, leaning in and letting my lungs fill with the soothing scent that always followed the commander around. "I know you must be struggling too, with the mix up around the bond. What if we just planned a few touches?"

My cheeks flushed hot, "You get what you need, I get what I need, and my body settles down and keeps growing your son. Everyone wins."

Golden eyes snap to my belly and I can almost see the softening in his rigid expression. Slowly, he nods. "I agree. How would you like to proceed?"

"Well," I flapped my arms against my sides, "Last time you just held me for a little while and then I was able to go a long time without feeling this...unsettled." Was unsettled the right word? Because as soon as I used it, Salex's chin jerked up again. I groaned a little to myself, he must be feeling the exact same way, there was no reason to avoid talking about it.

It was just awkward now.

Because I desperately wanted his touch.

But more than that, I was unmercifully horny, and the only male in the entire ship that my body was interested in was standing only a few strides away from me.

I was screwed. But not in the way my traitorous body was screaming for.

"Please," I whispered, a surprising rush of tears coming into my eyes. "I need you."

Instantly there was a warm, gentle hand at my jaw, turning my face up so that when my tears did finally spill free they slipped down into my hairline. Wide, shining gold eyes were so close now that I actually sucked in a breath, tasting Salex's scent on my tongue in a way I couldn't understand.

"No," Salex said, "Don't cry, little one. I will help you."

Against the rough palm that cradled my head, I let my neck relax and sighed. I didn't want them to, but another pair of tears slipped down my lids. But this time, they were brushed away, one by his thumb, the other by one of his stalis.

I gaped a little, surprised at the touch, but not in dislike. They were nothing like I expected, soft and flexible against my skin. He must've assumed they bothered me because almost as soon as they touched my face, they were jerked back.

"No, it's okay," I croaked out, my body pliant against his chest. "They are so soft."

Salex's chest rattled a little, so close now I can almost feel the noise under his muscle. "It is better if I keep them, restrained for now." To my surprise, his lips pulled back in what might have been a small smile. "They are quite attached to you already."

"What? How does th–?" Salex cut me off by leaning into me even further, then sweeping his arm under my knees so that I was once against cradled against his chest. This time I could actually feel the rattling. It was almost like a purr, just more aggressive, sharper in volume. Even with that awareness, my body and mind latched onto the noise with gusto, my heartbeat slowing and my anxious energy calming as Salex made his way across to my bed.

He stopped in front of it, head tilting a little as he considered the bunk bed situation. If I wasn't so comfortable, I might have laughed at his expression.

"I'm guessing you haven't slept in bunk beds in awhile."

Salex grunted, shifting me every so slightly in his arms. I giggled a little, enjoying this small moment of shared awkwardness between us.

"It's not the bunk beds I don't like."

I crane my head back so I can stare up at him, "Oh yeah? What is it then?"

The rattle returns ten-fold and I press a hand against the center of his chest, where I cna actually feel it. "Salex?"

The commander folds his legs and tucks me tight on his lap as we find a way to fit on the edge of my bed. "This was Ghantlan's bed before you."

I looked around, then shrugged. "I guess."

"And it smells like him." The growl in his words doesn't affect me, not how it did others.

Blinking, I tilt my head, noting the way the sharp purple jaw is squared. "Yes? Maybe?"

Salex leaned in, pressing his nose to my hair and effectively blocking me from seeing his face as he says, "I don't like another male this close to you, but having his scent on you," Salex's big hand moves to rest on my belly, the black tipped claws curled lightly, "It makes me...frustrated."

"Oh," I choked out after a moment, "I'm sorry, how can I fix that?"

Salex rattled hard, his face still nuzzling into my hair. "I know a way to remove this problem, and cure you of your cravings at the same time."

Relief swells in my chest, "You do?"

"I do. But you're going to have to trust me."

I nodded eagerly. "What do I need to do?"

Salex shifts under me and I feel the heavy muscle of his thighs against my ass. "First, you have to take off your clothes."



What do you think he's going to do? Giant alien cuddles? Or moreee.....?

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