Episode 50

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"This is a horrible idea," I repeated, staring slack jawed at my mate as he settled himself in the chair of his office. Oren was already there, wandering the small room as Lylta uncapped a syringe. The liquid inside was visible, a pale blue that made my stomach ache.

"If this is the only way, then we must." Salex turned his arm over to a serious-faced Lylta. "I'm an example for my crew and my people. If this is the way to make them understand, then I'm happy to sacrifice for a short time."

I huffed. This was a horrible idea, and I was sticking to it. Oren spoke up from behind me. "I'm sorry to put you through this, Hillary, but this medication, a very old concoction, will merely dull the effects of the bond enough that we can see if you are being coerced by the bond, or whether you truly want to be with Commander Salex."

"But I thought bonds could withstand long distances. You're talking like it's just a switch."

Lylta leaned over Salex, one finger prodding around his forearm. "The bond is chemical at it's core, everything about Salex appeals to you, just as you appeal to him. But the emotions, the feelings, those are still different. There are occasional records of bonded individuals who didn't really enjoy each other other than for base reasons. While they are rare, they can occur."

He held up the syringe, "This will essentially stop Salex from producing any of those feel good scents and things for you to absorb. It will clear the air, lessen the bond. And then you can tell the Prime how you really feel about Salex."

"With no ramifications," Salex said, eyes golden eyes soft on mine. A small smile curled the edges of his lips, "I will love you even if you decide to step away from this pairing."

"Salex, no, I love you."

"Wait," Oren said, eyes fast on Lylta's hand as the healer sunk the needle into Salex's flesh and injected the male, "Wait until it takes effect. Then we can talk."

My knee bounced, my fingers trailing slowly over the curve of my belly as I stared at Salex. I was half-expecting him to change colors, or maybe I would suddenly develop a deep hatred of the color purple.

But instead, there was just the soft white noise of the ship around us, and the heavy breathing of Oren as he stared hard at Salex.

"How long does it take?"

Lylta glanced at the communicator on his wrist, then counted down slowly, "Now, now it should be effective."

"For how long?" Oren stepped around to lean against Salex's desk.

Lylta shrugged, "The formulation is ancient, far older than anything I handled in university. I would guess, based on the documents you shared an hour. Maybe two."

I blinked at Salex, "The bond is gone then–or dulled, like you said?"

Lylta and Oren nodded. Salex looked at me, his body and face relaxed. Completely sure. Completely relaxed.

Pushing up, I struggled to extract myself from the chair. Oren moved, one hand going to my arm to help me. As his hand met my skin, I didn't experience that flash of frustration that I had followed the bond between Salex and myself getting stronger.

So the medication did work. At least to a certain extent. In my mind, I could feel the warning bells, the way that I didn't like the feel of Oren's skin on mine. But that wasn't the bond speaking. That was the love of my mate that still pumped through my veins.

"I'm fine," I said after straightening and when Oren didn't immediately release me. Salex remained seated, but I could see the muscles leaping in his jaw now. He was still affected by me, and I appreciated his ability to stay put as I tested out this stupid little experiment.

"How do I prove to you that I still love him?" I didn't bother to hide the frustration in my voice.I wasn't sure if it was the withdrawal from the bond or the way that Oren was staring at me, but my nerves were on edge.

Suddenly the door opened behind us opened, the remainder of the council stepped in. Behind them, two large Trenzian's that I'd never seen directly follow. The room was suddenly very, very small. Dread uncurled in my gut.

I immediately looked to Salex, who was staring at the newcomers, still seated. I thought it was odd for sure, until I noticed the way that his eyes were wide, dark, the slow slide of his eyelids making me violently aware of how much trouble we were in.

"You drugged him!" I pointed an accusatory finger at Lylta, moving so that the wall of the office was at my back. Lylta looked alarmed, his gaze swinging from me and Salex and back again.

"I didn't, it was only a small dose."

As one, Lylta and I both looked to Oren. Salex's head lulled and I could see his hands moving over the armrests. It was as if he couldn't find them, or perhaps he just couldn't stand. I didn't know. I didn't have any more time to wonder. Not as the two newcomers took a large menacing step towards me.

"Don't touch me. Salex!"

Oren was suddenly there, at my side and I nearly let out a breath of relief. But instead of backing me up, he simply wrapped an arm around my shoulders. His words fast and furious in my ear, "This is your chance, Hillary. Go. My men will take you somewhere safe.."

"What? What are you talking about?"

Oren shook his head, "He will only be out a short time. And after seeing the Lieutenant, I don't want to start a fight with this one." He jerked his head towards Salex.

"I don't want to go anywhere, I love him! I'm staying here," I pushed at the large hands that fastened around my wrists.

"Hillary," Salex's words are slurred. There's a crash and I see Lylta fighting towards me.

"Hands off her," Lylta shouted, his teeth flashing, "She's pregnant, you asshole."

Oren eyed the medic. "She's under the influence, Lylta, you must know that."

"She is not, your medication is what we were using to demonstrate that."

Oren shrugged, "The medication is a short term fix, but distance will sever the bond."

I struggled against their hold, "You said it couldn't."

"It will, in time. All I can do is make sure you are all safe in the meantime."

"I'm safe here."

Oren was already shaking his head. "Take her," he ordered the Trenzians.


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