Episode Thirty-Four

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Heat, blinding and spreading like wildfire threatened to consume all of me. Unless Salex made it go away. Every one of his touches was like a balm, letting the fires recede, leaving a trail of arousal that bubbled just below the surface.

I was done waiting and being patient or whatever none sense that I was constantly thinking up in my head.

I wanted ihm.

He wanted me.

We were in a piece of damaged metal floating around the universe with no source of power. There was no promised tomorrow. No promised today even.

There was only us.

"I want you," I whispered, my hands tingling where his hair, the slender strands he called stalis warpped around his body, coiling around my body like living vines. "Can you feel that?"

Salex's chest rumbled, the sound resembling a housecat as his hands shift me against his body. "I can feel it," his lips brushed over my ear, "I can hear it in the way your heart beats. And I can smell it in the way you gush for me, even now, little one."

I moaned, his breath against my ear making me quiver. "Show off."

Salex chuckled, surprising me, and maybe a little him too. But before I can point that out, we're moving, falling into my bunk, his body carefully tucking into mine. A blink later and I'm on my back, his hands on my thighs as he presed his nose against my pelvis with a huffing breath. When his eyes meet mine again they are nearly black, the pulil blown so wide it's impossible to tell the golden shade of his eyes.


"You smell like mine,"

"Fuck," I'm archin gmy back, "It's because I am yours. Please, pleasemake this ache go away."

His mouth presses against the thin fabric coering my mound. "Yes, little one, I'm going to up tus both out of this misery."

"Yes," I almost cry out.

His claws rake over my hips, slicing my fabric from my body as I reach down for the hem of my shirt. My belly slows down my progress, but soon I'm laying under him, my entire body tingling as he hurled his stiff uniform jacket off the bed before crawling back over me.

His mouth delicately presses against my bump and I shivered as he nuzzles me there. "Mine," he says softly, but instead of looking at my bely, his eyes are fast on me now. And I shiver agreeably. Then nod.


A moment later, his mouth drops to my skin, skating across the surface, licking and savoring and touching me every where he can. His immense body balances over mine in the small space of my bunk as I moan and run my hands against the rock hard planes of his violet colored skin. Every touch, every lick of his tongue makes me more wild and desperate and I can feel the core of my body clenching and quivering with need.

But then he's at my breasts, his tongue lapping gently at my nipples there. "I'm told your milk will come in early," Salex says between licks. "especially if it is stimulated by the female's mate."

My hips rock on the bed, desperate to feel the heat of him. I brushed up against his trousers, but can't find any friction. "You—you want that?"

Salex's eyes are shut as he licks slowly, "The taste of you is worth killing for, and I have no doubts your milk will be any different. Besides, just as my cum will bond you to me, help our youngling grow stronger, your milk is the other half the exchange, making her male ravenous and desperate to please." Salex pauses, moving to the other breast. "I read this week that a female has complete control over her male, especially around the birth of their youngling."

I squirmed, my hands giving up on his shoulders and diving into this stalis. He stiffens, his hips jerking for a moment as the strands wind around my hair. "Would that truly be so bad?"

Salex bit down carefully, just enough to make me squeal and I know he's trying to distract me again. "From where I'm at, you already control me, female. What's one more thing?"

I giggled, but then shove at his head, pulling it away from my skin. "Enough, Saelx, enough. I want to feel you inside of me."

My eyelashes fluttered as I let my head fall back to the bed, smelling Salex's scent all around me .

"As you wish," Salex said.

I giggled again, surprised by his casual agreement. But uninterested in questioning it. Not now, not when we were so close. Then stretching I accidentally knocked over the bottle that I'd used to take my pill earlier. The container was empty but made a little metal noise as it bumped up against the leg of our bunk beds.

Salex, who was at the end of the bed, one clawed hand at his belt, froze. His eyes flashed gold in a breath, his hand leaning down to swipe up the drink in one hand.

"Did you drink this?"

I sat up on my elbows, naked as the day I was born and already bored with the conversation. "I did, Ghantlan keeps some in his cabinet. Why?"

"Fuck," Salex said and in a blur of muscle and stalis he's up and across the room. Yanking on his boots, he reapproached the bunk bed. "You have to get up."

"What's going on?"

Salex is opening my drawer, his hands digging thru my clothes as I awkwardly shimmy myself to the edge of my bed and stand up. The ground sways a little and worry begins in my belly.

"Salex? You're scaring me."

I'm hoping he's going to tell me nothing is wrong, to scoop me up in his arms and tell me that there's no issue. But instead he tugged a dress over my head and then leans down ot my face level.

"What you drank? It's a sort of Trenzian sleeping potion."

My hand flies to my belly. "Oh my god."

Salex bends his knees, hesitating for only a moment before he picks me up. Cradling me ot his chest, he begins to walk. "It's not toxic on any level to Trenzians, so the youngling should be fine."

"But humans?"

"I have no idea."


Sorryyyyy you have to wait a little longer for full on page action (again), but I love a 'caring for her' trope moment <3

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